Introduction: Ez Diy Linux

About: Im a self proclaimed gray hat because what i do can or can not be a threat to some one. if you want to see more from me check out my you tube: contact m…

this is a fairly simple way to build your own linux sever/desktop.

for my purposes i will be building a server with a no gui boot. meaning no ui just a command line (if you want a graphical logon just select graphical no coding required)

so to get started make a account here :

create a appliance and name it what ever.

here is where you select desktop server (i selected server).

no for the actual os building.

Step 1: Adding Software

just search for what you want.

i grabed a web server telnet server ftp and ssh client

Step 2: Config

set you network preference. because im using a server ill give network access .

time setings


and users.

now for users DONT FORGET TO SET A ROOT ACCOUNT! you will need it.

both accounts (root and admin) have root permissions and i plan on adding a dumb user account

im not going to put much effort in to customization but you can if you want.

Step 3: Start Up

pick your run level...

(1 single user 2 multi user no network 3 console 5 graphical)

im using console because a ui is pointless for a server it just adds extra processes.

add a eula if you want (end user license agreement)

Step 4: Appliance

yes i know i skiped some tabs but i dont need them to make a linux server and there pretty strait forward any way.

here you will configure :



and other useful stuff

Step 5: Script (optional)

here you may add a script at end of build or on boot. for my purposes i bid on boot and a sample of my boot script can be found here:

# # This script is executed whenever your appliance boots. Here you can add # commands to be executed before the system enters the first runlevel. This # could include loading kernel modules, starting daemons that aren't managed # by init files, asking questions at the console, etc. # # The 'kiwi_type' variable will contain the format of the appliance (oem = # disk image, vmx = VMware, iso = CD/DVD, xen = Xen). #

# read in some variables . /studio/profile

if [ -f /etc/init.d/suse_studio_firstboot ] then

# Put commands to be run on the first boot of your appliance here echo "Running SUSE Studio first boot script..." useradd client echo client is the nonroot account