Introduction: Hackintosh: Imad (ibook Computer)

About: Hey guys, I'm just a guy that lives on an island hardly anyone knows about, right next to Seattle. My interests are the same as any 16 year old, computers, cars, biking, and just messing with stuff in general.

so, this is my latest project: the imad.

it is composed of an ibook, which the hinge was broken, so it wouldn't flip, and the screen is now on the main casing. it is called the imad because one of my friends whose name i will not mention thought of it. it is imad because it is a mash up of an ipad and an imac, because of the looks, not actual parts. anyway, the ipad because of the battery and wireless, but imac because of the looks, non touch screen, and flash and other stuff. but yea anyway hope you like it! and there is no cd drive

any help figuring out how to attach the screen? Im thinking Velcro...

im hoping to enter it in the usb contest, because it has 2 usb ports! so its elligable (technically)