Introduction: Altoids Tin USB Hub 2.0

About: I specialize in wood working and 3D printing/laser cutting. I am highly skilled at solid works,inventor professional, and corelcad, so I can model whatever someone wants. I'm also the student expert on the 3D …

This is an update of my Altoids tin USB hub. I added a 5V green LED (available at radio shack) that lights up when it is plugged in. Make sure to check out my original project.

-For those of you who have built the original project feel free to drill a hole in your tin and connect an LED to the unused micro USB hub.

Make It Glow Contest

Participated in the
Make It Glow Contest

Manly Crafts Contest

Participated in the
Manly Crafts Contest

Build My Lab Contest

Participated in the
Build My Lab Contest

Workshop Contest

Participated in the
Workshop Contest