Introduction: Arduino/Ableton Color Organ; MIDI Controlled

About: Go forth!

**Current as of 6/7/2011: LED contest entry**

This is how I use my Arduino UNO and the Maxuino patch in Ableton Live to control LED's via MIDI. This is the most basic setup for the circuit and gives examples on various MIDI controllers that can use this setup to control LED's. I am a mad musicianist!!! These are the basic 4 ideas that I use in musical performance with Ableton Live's: Max 4 Live. This is my FIRST INSTRUCTABLE!!! I can't wait to keep contributing to this society of makers and doers! I hope that someone will find this instructable useful for their own musical needs!!!

This is the instructable video. The links to the devices used are below!!! Watch out for the performance video next!!!

We have a MIDI keyboard, MIDI drum pad, and MIDI knobs to control our LED's. We also have some MIDI data sent to our LED's via the Maxuino patch; from our Ableton generated drums. So here she is!!!!


envelope follower:

(: all original music and circuits :)


LED Contest

Participated in the
LED Contest