Introduction: Impossible Toy Made From Ice-cream Sticks

About: I love DIY

I show how to make an awesome star with ice-cream stick , you can do it in less than 1 minute, show this skill to impress your friends in any party. Easy and fast. This Instruction come with video:

Step 1: Tool

here are what we need, 12 ice-cream sticks

Step 2: Position

hold 3 sticks like this, the first stick on below, middle stick at the center, third stick on top (watch video for detail)

Step 3: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 4: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 5: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 6: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 7: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 8: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)

Step 9: (watch Video for Detail)

(watch video for detail)