Introduction: Blynk and Omega2 Love

About: I’m degree in Psychology in 2001, with a thesis in Artificial Intelligence. I’m working on Smart Object, IoT and Interactive Design. I’m developing autonomously my projects. I make autonomously programs in Ard…

And finally the Omega Onion2 is here, in the lab!

Do you know Onion Omega2? See the Omega official site!

Now I begin the experimentation of board. After the installation, and registration on onion cloud I try to connect the Onion2 for IoT use. The board have moore possibilities! One important step, for IoT, and for my projects, is the platform of control. For this project I use Blynk app.

Do you know Blynk App? See the official site!

Now you can register to blynk service, mount a led on Omega Onion2 and install the blynk library on Omega2.

A part of Omega Onion2 you must have a led and a resistor and a Blynk account.

Step 1: Install Software and Library

For use Blynk app on Omega 2 we must install the Blynk library!

First of all, you must connect the Omega2 to your LAN and internet. Open a terminal on your mac OS or Linux system and type:

ssh root@omega-xxxx.local

You can use the default "onioneer" after type the password

If you have Windows system you must install putty, and use this like a terminal.

Now you can install Blynk library on Omega Onion:

Update the opkg package

opkg update

Install blynk library

opkg install blynk-library

Install onoff package for switch ON/OFF the led

opkg install onoff-node

Install nano for edit a text file

opkg install nano

Step 2: Connect the Led

Now you can use a led. You can connect the led to the PIN number 11.

Use this pin because the pin number 11 is a free GPIO pin without I2C or SPI port.

Connect directly the anode led to the PIN number 11, and after putting a resistor on the led cathode, and the resistor to the Omega2 GND. In this mode, you allow passage of all the current through to the led, and use a resistor to avoid a short-circuit.

Step 3: The Program

You can write the program by typing on terminal:

mkdir blynk
cd blynk
nano test.js

In the file called test.js you can write this.

var BlynkLib = require('/usr/bin/blynk-library');

var blank = new BlynkLib.Blynk('TOKEN');

var Gpio = require('/usr/bin/onoff-node/onoff.js').Gpio;

var led = new Gpio(11,'out');

var num = 1;

var v1 = new blynk.Virtual.Pin(1);

var v5 = new blynk.VirtualPin(5);

v1.on('write', function(param) { console.log('V1:', param); });

v5.on('write', function(param) { this.num ^=1; led.writeSync(this.num); });

Where you see TOKEN, you must type the Blynk Token. For obtain a blynk token id, you can use your Blynk app, and obtain a new token id.

node test.js

Open Blynk app and make a Dashboard with two button. The buttons are the virtual pin.

If you push virtual PIN number 1 you can see your terminal V1: on or off.

If you push PIN number 2 you can see your led on or off.

Microcontroller Contest 2017

Participated in the
Microcontroller Contest 2017