Introduction: CREEPY Self Portrait

About: I am an artist living and teaching ART in NYC for over 30 years, and I am a CZT, Certified Zentangle Teacher. I love to explore all sorts of art making both in my teaching and in my own work...check out my sit…

Make self portraits using B&W photography printing process and chemicals, Then enhance to create decorations to add to the Halloween festivities!

Step 1: Supplies

*B&W photographic chemicals (I like Silvergrain , they are eco-friendly) Developer, stop and fix, and develop. trays
*Photographic paper, You can get inexpensive paper on e-bay, it can be outdated. RC paper is the best, it dries nice and flat.
Aquaphor (or vaseline)
hair protector, bath cap or a t-shirt pulled over your hair

Then you will need art supplies of your choice to turn your photos into decorations

Step 2: Chemicals

mix chemicals according to directions on pkg.

Step 3: Aquaphor

cover hair and scoop out a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of Aquaphor or vaseline

Step 4: Apply to Face

rub the Aquaphor all over your face

Step 5:

Step 6: Photo Paper

press the photo paper onto your face, try not to mush it around too much.

Step 7:

try to press the paper onto your eyes eyelashes make a cool printed image. You can have your mouth open or closed when you press the paper on your lips.

Step 8: Develop the Image

Place the paper into the developer and watch the creepy face appear. 

Step 9:

Step 10:

When it is very dark and fully developed, place it into the stop bath solution

Step 11: More Prints

with that little bit of vaseline on your face you can probably make several more images.

Step 12:

Step 13:

Step 14:

Step 15: Wash and Dry Prints

After the prints are thoroughly washed (I even use a little dish soap in the bath with the RC paper, it helps cut through the vaseline)
Dry the prints

Step 16: Trim Prints

When dry trim the faces out and use whatever materials you wish to create your Halloween Decorations using your creepy self portrait!

Step 17:

Step 18:

Step 19:

Step 20:

Step 21:

Step 22:

Step 23:

Step 24:

Step 25:

Halloween Decorations Contest

Finalist in the
Halloween Decorations Contest