Introduction: Cheesy Potato Fries

About: Hey, I'm Muhaimina! A Craftaholic person (or Witch if you may say!). Obsessed with swirls and polka dots... and Instructables is pretty much my second home! Follow my IG Blog…

Who doesn't love french fries, potato fries or any kind of fried potatoes! I'm not a good cook but I enjoy trying different recipes for potato fries and they always taste good (no matter what the recipe is!). I've posted an ible of spicy potato fries, and this time I tried mixing a little cheese with the potatoes. They taste delicious!  

Lets' start :D

Step 1: Ingredients

To make the cheesy potato fries you'll need:

1) 3 medium size potatoes,
2) Half cup flour,
3) Salt (for taste),
4) Dairy cheese (as much as you want),
5) Grater,
6) Unused oil for frying (I used soybean oil).

Step 2: Cutting the Potatoes

Peal and cut the potatoes as it is usually done for french fries. It's nice to keep the sliced potatoes long and thin, so cut the potatoes horizontally.
Keep the sliced potatoes on a bowl or pot filled with water while you prepare the other ingredients.

Step 3: Making the Paste

Take a bowl, add half cup of flour and enough water to make the paste. Also add a bit of salt (1/4 tbsp or as much as you want).
Now, grate the cheese and mix it well with the paste (as much as you want).
Then, add the sliced potatoes to the paste and mix them well.

Step 4: Frying and Serving

Take a medium pan or pot and add enough oil to fry the potatoes.
Heat oil over medium heat.
Once the oil is heated, add the pasted potatoes to the pan.
Don't stir frequently while frying, and after 5 -8 minutes turn the potatoes around to make sure they're fried evenly on all sides.
It'll take 8-10 minutes after that and don't let the fries turn brownish. Use a slotted spoon to take the fries out of the oil and place them on a napkin to soak the oil. After frying the potatoes you can sprinkle more grated cheese on them if you want to. Serve them with cola and tomato ketchup!
They're delicious! 


Fried Food Contest

Participated in the
Fried Food Contest