Introduction: 1995 Chevy Lumina Water Pump

How to properly remove and replace a water pump on a 1995 chevy lumina.
Tools Requiered
10mm socket
8mm socket
1/4" racket
torque wrench

Step 1:

This is a product of students attending the Calhoun Area Carrer Center. The students include Nate West, Maxwell Tobey, Xandon Taylor and Brandon McElhenie.

Step 2: Take Off Plastic Cover

Step 3: Loosen Bolts on Pulley

Step 4: Release Tension on Belt and Remove.

Step 5: Remove Bolts on Pulley

Step 6: Remove Pulley

Step 7: Take Off Water Pump Bolts

Step 8: Remove Water Pump

Step 9: Make Sure Gasket Is in Good Condition (if Not Replace)

Step 10: If Needed Add Some R.T.V.

Step 11: Replace Water Pump and Gasket Torque to 20 Ft. Pounds

Step 12: Put Pulley Back On

Step 13: Torque Bolts to 20 Ft. Pounds

Step 14: Put on Serpentine Belt (make Sure It Is on Correctly)

Step 15: Put Plastic Cover Back on and Tighten to 15 Ft. Pounds