Introduction: Copper Fire Log Heater: Burns Clean With Alcohol!

About: Travelling since 2013. I'm currently in Australia for some reason. --- I’m Calvin Drews, and I love to learn, experiment, invent, create, repair, and generally just do things myself. A sort of modern jack of …

Step 1: Materials

Step 2: Marking Dots

Step 3: Filing Grooves

Step 4: Punching Holes

Step 5: Prepare the Pipe

Step 6: Soldering the Pipe

Step 7: Clean the Solder Joint

Step 8: Corking the End

Step 9: Cutting and Fitting the Cork

Step 10: Nearly Finished...

Step 11: Making a Simple Stand- Finished!


Stay Warm Contest

Grand Prize in the
Stay Warm Contest

Stay Warm Contest

Participated in the
Stay Warm Contest