Introduction: LED Skull Lamp

How to make a LED skull lamp with some simple tools.

Step 1: You Will Need:

You will need:
- wire stripper
- wire cutter
- a skull
- soldering iron
- solder
- duct tape
- RGB LED strip
- power supply
- LED strip controller
- wire
- a knife

Step 2: Cut the LED Strip

Depending on how big the skull is,
you'll need to cut your LED strip on a desirable length.

I decided to use 6 LED's,
which I will fold in the middle later on.

This way there will also be a glow on the wall when I hang it.

Step 3: Remove Plastic

Carefully cut off the plastic which covers the connection points.

Step 4: Start Soldering

Once you have stripped the 4 wires from the RGB LED controller, you can start with soldering.
( Soldering: )

Follow the correct color order.
- Green
- Red
- Blue
- White

The white wire connects with the +12V mark, printed on the LED strip.

Step 5: Peel Off and Fold Together

Peel off the strip covering the adhesive, and fold the LED strip together.

Step 6: Insert the LEDs

Find a good spot where you can place the LED's, and secure them.
I used a simple piece of wire.

I've covered some of the LED's with ducttape, to reduce their intencity.
Otherwise the flood on the wall would be too big.

( I found this sheepskull high up int the mountains of Northern Italy, near Lake Como )

Step 7: Connect Power

Connect the power supply, and you're done.

Step 8: Enjoy!

Now you have a glowing skull, in any color you like.

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Lamps & Lighting Contest

Second Prize in the
Lamps & Lighting Contest