Introduction: How to Change Your Tire

Flat tires are one of life's most frustrating issues. They're even worse when you get one and you don't know how to change your tire (trust me I know). Yes, you could have roadside assistance come to save you but, who really wants to wait for someone on the side of a freeway for an hour? Yes you could drive to somewhere to wait but, by then your rim will be ruined and insurance won't cover that. Don't worry though I made these instructions so the same thing that happened to me won't happen to you. 

Step 1: Tools and Materials

1. Car Jack
2. Jack Stands
3. Spare/New Tire
4. Socket Wrench
5. Flat Surface

Step 2: Flat Surface

You need a flat surface to work on so when your car is raised up it doesn't roll.

Step 3: Loosen Lug Nuts

Loosen the lug nuts before you raise the car up otherwise your tire will just spin when jacked up off the ground. You may want to use your foot on the wrench so that you can put your full weight into loosening the lug nuts. NOTE: Make sure to loosen the lug nuts by going diagonally across and not clockwise or counterclockwise.

Step 4: Raise Your Car

Depending on the jack you have determines how you raise your car. The one in your trunk is a jack that is a weaker more difficult one to use or the jack I have which has a hand pump. To life you pump it up and down. Using your car jack raise up the damaged side of your car so you can remove the tire. You may refer to your owners manual to find a safe spot to raise your car other wise try to find a solid surface that can't be easily damaged. Make sure you place the jack stands on immediately afterwards. The reason for the stands is so you're not relying on the jack alone. Leave the jack and the stands both up so that the car doesn't fall and get damaged but more importantly doesn't hurt or kill you.

Step 5: Remove the Lug Nuts

Now with the socket wrench continue to remove the lug nuts that were already loosened. You may have a star piece in the trunk of your car for one of the lug nuts on your tire. The reason for this is so no one can steel your tires. You may be able to use your hand if they're loose enough.

Step 6: Changing the Tire

Take the flat tire off now and put on the new/spare tire. Make sure that the holes on the rims are put in perfect place so that the lug nuts can be screwed back into place.

Step 7: Place Lug Nuts On

Now hand screw the nuts as tight as you can while car is still suspended in the air. Don't forget to tighten by going diagonally across from one another.

Step 8: Lowering the Car

Remove the jack stands first and then lower the car with the jack slowly by twisting the handle to the left slowly and gently making sure that your car doesn't come crashing down.

Step 9: Tightening the Lug Nuts

Tighten the lug nuts with your socket wrench and make sure its secure. Don't forget to tighten diagonally across. You don't need to force it.

Make sure to stop at a gas station to make sure the new/spare tire has enough air in it, for it may have lost air in the last months being unused.