Introduction: How to Make Basic Paper Airplane

About: i Love instructables. i like Origami,Making,Drawing .

here,i make this is simply this is same to jet airplane.Here how to make step by step .

Step 1: Paper

get your one paper and make you four how to piece see the imges

Step 2: Thrith Step

Fold all the points to the middle and Just follow the pics, I just don't know how to explain this.You will end up with the first picture in this step. Just fold the top-triangle to the back, and then turn the whole thing around.

Step 3: Piece Finish

The finished piece!!! You will have to repeat all the steps 4 times extra and than continue to the next step.

Step 4: See the Picture

Put them together in the way the pictures show you.and last one piece paper (you see the picture) and you make that.

Step 5: Done.

done . nice looking for airplane.

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