Introduction: K'NEX Colt 1911

About: K'NEX gun builder here at Instructables. More or less retired from the community, but I still pop in now and again.
Ever since I became a gun nut (a gun enthusiast) back in 2010, I have wanted to own a Colt 1911 .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol). As this is the case, I decided to build this venerable gun. Many of you have seen my (semi-badly-done) Colt 1911A1, and were not entirely happy with it, so this is just the 1911 version of that same gun. It is comfortable, has a longish pin-pull, and really nice sights.

  • True trigger
  • Accurate sights
  • Nice trigger guard
  • Comfortable grip
  • Easy operation
  • Good range: 35 - 40 ft.


-The Red Book of Westmarch