Introduction: LED Sugru StarFish

About: cofounder of RenaiSense Ltd

A glowing magnetic Starfish that can be either used a fridge magnet or an aquarium accessories.

Step 1: The Stuff Needed

The things we are gonna need are just stuff lying around .
1.A magnet
2.A packet of Sugru
3.5 LEDs in color of your choice
4.coin cell battery

Step 2: The Making

Place the magnet over the battery and mold them together using a little sugru.

Connect the LEDs to the battery and make sure the LEDs light up .
Arrange them such that they look like the image above .

Cover them up with more sugru to hold the LEDs and battery together .

Step 3: The Final Touch

Cutout a cute curvy starfish out of colored paper and stick it over the sugru and be sure it covers up the LEDs .

Let the sugru dry and leave them for about 20 mins .

Use them as a fridge magnet and give it a glow . Try making more starfish of different colors .
Made it glow - pls vote for make it glow contest .
Happy Hacking .. !

Make it Glow!

Participated in the
Make it Glow!