Introduction: Lantern Light

How to make a nice lantern light!

Step 1: Supplies

All you'll need:
-$5 bird feeder from Michaels
-IKEA lamp
-Paint (I used oil paints, but acrylics would work nice too)

Step 2: Cut Hole in Bird Feeder

Use a drill/screwdriver to drill enough holes to break open a hole a bit bigger than the lightbulb. It's okay if the hole isn't perfect because the black washer you'll screw on with the light will cover the sides of the hole. Once done, screw in the light and washer to the lamp socket.

Step 3: Paint Lantern

This is where you can personalize this light. Use any color scheme you'd like!

Step 4:

Furniture Contest 2017

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Furniture Contest 2017

Reclaimed Contest 2017

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Reclaimed Contest 2017