Introduction: Loco Moco

About: I have been sewing and crafting for several years, my children are grown so now I have lots of time to be creative. I enjoy photography, cooking, cake decorating, painting and sharing my projects with others.

If you've ever been to any of the Hawaiian Islands you've probably seen this on a menu. It's a "stick to your ribs" favorite among the locals. Making this dish from the islands is so easy and the ingredients are items most of us have on hand.

Step 1: Supplies and Ingredients

For this recipe you will need the following:

4 cups cooked rice (I cooked my rice in beef broth, ground thyme, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 tsp salt & 1 tsp minced onion) 1 pound lean ground hamburger, 4 large eggs, brown gravy mix.

Step 2: Hamburger and Rice

Cook the rice according to package directions. While the rice is cooking, divide the hamburger meat into 4 equal parts, form into patties and cook in a frying pan over medium heat until done. 3 or 4 minutes on each side, until no longer pink in the center.

Step 3: Brown Gravy

Empty the brown gravy mix into a skillet and add water. cook according to package directions, continue stirring with a whisk until thickened.

Step 4: Fried Eggs

Place 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil in a skillet, cook eggs over-easy.

Place 1 cup of cooked rice on each plate. Top with a hamburger patty and gravy. Carefully place an egg on top of this and there you go! Loco Moco. Delicious and filling.

Serves 4.


Egg Contest 2016

Participated in the
Egg Contest 2016