Introduction: Mini Moxon Vise

About: Hello. My name is Thomas. I love spending time in my workshop. Please check my Youtube channel. I hope you enjoy :)

Hello everyone, in this project I wanna show you how to make a Mini Moxon Vise. I made a video and step by step instruction how to make it. This vise is very cheap and easy to make.

So, let's get started :)


- wood
- screws
- nuts and washers
- leather


- table saw or bandsaw
- optional cnc router
- chisel
- glue
- sandpaper
- knife

Step 1: Watch the Video

Video will give you a good overview on how to create such a rocker Mini Moxon Vise. But the following steps will still contain some extra useful information.

Step 2: Prepare the Wood and Cut

To make my vise I used 2 kinds of wood. Beech for jaws and walnut for wheels. To cut the shape I used cnc router. On the picture you can see dimensions of all parts.

Step 3: Improve the Edges

After cutting the edges don't look good. To improve them use sandpaper or belt sander. To round off the wheel's edges I used drill and sandpaper. To make chamfer use a table saw.

Step 4: Nuts, Screws, Leather

To make the screws I bought a long threaded rod and I cut two short pieces . I used a metric thread M10. Next, insert nuts in the holes. Glue leather to the jaws and excess of the skin just cut off.

Step 5: Almost Done

To better look and protect vise you can paint it or use oil. I used a Tung Oil. When oil is dry just screw all parts together.

Step 6: Finish :)

Your Mini Moxon Vise is completely finished :)

You did it!

Please subscribe my Youtube channel for more projects.

Thomas Workshop Youtube Channe

l If you have any questions, please leave a comment below :)

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