Introduction: Mustache Bow Tie

About: I get restless, so I make things.
To make a radical mustache bow tie you will need:
  • felt
  • elastic
  • cardboard
  • gluestick
  • needle
  • thread
  • 5 minutes

Step 1: Draw, Cut, Glue, Cut

  1. Make a cardboard mustache pattern.
  2. Using the gluestick, glue the pattern to your felt.
  3. Cut felt to match the cardboard pattern.

Step 2: Finish and Don

  1. Sew the elastic to the stache.
  2. Sew the elastic in loop large enough to stretch over the wearer's hear.
  3. Put it on.
Halloween Props Challenge

Participated in the
Halloween Props Challenge

Make It Stick Contest 2

Participated in the
Make It Stick Contest 2