Introduction: Porter's Ray Gun ( Cod)

My take on the Call of Duty Zombies, mark 1 Porter's Ray Gun

Step 1: Sketches/materials

I really wanted my own cod ray gun, and as I couldn't find one to buy I decided to make my own. I started by looking at images of ray guns online, I then made a rough sketch and started to label what parts i might need, and what I would use. Over a few weeks I picked up lots of the things I need either from food packaging or trips around £1 / bargain stores. The main items are tie straps, a duck watering can. A cheap toy pistol, a bottle of the right shape. A light with two LEDs in, a twisty straw, funnels and a few other bits and bobs.

Step 2: Rough Shape

I then cut down the parts I had and placed them out to give me an idea of what I still needed, every time adding just a little more over time.

Step 3: Wiring

I then placed in the wiring and the LEDs in. I also wanted to be able to replace the batteries , so I used a small medicine bottle so the lid still twisted like it should. I also added the switch using a tic tax lid, some mecarno to make a switch and a figure missile.

Step 4: Glueing

I mainly used a hot glue gun to stuck it all together and to mould some shapes. After the body was all glued, I then used red spray paint, and coated the bottle with white paper.

Step 5: Mistakes

The bottle that I used ended up not letting enough light through, also it started to melt with the glue gun and warped. So I cut it off and made the barrel out of card board and used a piece of laminated paper for the top.

Step 6: Finishing Up

I then sprayed tie straps silver and glued them on, added the sight, which is just a washer on a stick with a painted piece of plastic for the crosshairs. I bent three small metal bars from mecarno and placed them on. I made a file for either side. I then had some green and red glitter P.v.a and gave it a final coat on all the red parts.

Step 7: Mounted

I then used some more macaroni to mount it on the wall in my shed. It's not an exact replica but I am happy with the results. And the switch is in the right place. I'm pretty happy with it. Please let me know what you think, thanks.