Introduction: Quicky Guide to Making Wine.

About: Like learning food basics.

Wine making can be a lot of fun and actually very easy. I do not really drink myself, but once or twice a year can not be too bad. You pretty much make wine the way you make bread (but without the oven. So it can not be that bad for you. Wine is a fruity delight that goes great with any home cooked meal from scratch.

Notice: Some places have restrictions on how much wine for personal use you can make. I think the rule of thumb at least was one hundred  gallons per adult living on the residence to a maximum of 200 gallons. We make only a few gallons and then maybe one every few years.

Step 1: What to Get.

The original way to make wine was to stomp the grapes and  use the liquid from that process. You can already get fruit juice in frozen concentrated and or juice in a bottle. So why reinvent the wheel. personally I like to use apple cider.

Per 2 litres or so.
2 litres apple cider.
1 teaspoon honey. ( Do not like to use sugar as it leaves more residue to filter out.)
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon yeast per litre. ( i just use regular yeast. but wine making yeast will do a much better job.

Also need 1 balloon per bottle.

Step 2: Fermentation.

Take your materials an put them in a bottle (glass preferably.)
Stir them up well.
Take balloon and flatten it.
Take a simple pin and prick through both sides of your balloon.
turn the balloon ninety degrees and repeat for a total of four holes.
Take the balloon and securely place on top of the bottle.
Do this for each bottle.
As the wine ferments, carbon dioxide will be released so the bottles do not explode.
Place the bottles in cool dry place.
Fermentation should take about two weeks or so when the balloons stop being inflated.

Step 3: Filtering and Aging.

Once the fermenting is done, you will want to filter out the wine from what is in the bottom of the bottle. You may have to do this more than once. If you used giant vats, this would not be such a problem.

Remove the ballons and do that.
Then you need to reseal the bottles with the regular caps.
Refrigerate. (you may want to check on then and release any gas every so may days.)
Now let the wine age to gain some flavor.
The longer you wait the better the taste, but do not wait forever.
I have some that has been sitting in the fridge for more than a year.
Gosh it's good.

Step 4: Taste Your Wine.

You will want to pour some wine in a glass and let it aerate a bit.
Once you have done that take a sip and swirl in your mouth.
You know what to do next!