Introduction: Cracking/Hacking Windows Passwords (UPDATED: VISTA Too!!)

Instructional/Educational Purposes only.
Be nice kids.

First of all, and I have to say this because of some recent comments, this is not a virus, and will not delete any files from your computer. In fact, ophCrack, the software we're gonna use is a very popular password cracker. Google it or Wikipedia it if you don't believe me.

This works for WINDOWS ONLY

This will crack all windows passwords up to 14 digits on a computer.
You need physical access to the computer.
You don't need to be logged in (that's what this is for).
It will tell you all user names and passwords on the computer.

Step 1: Get the Resource

1. Go here:

2. Download the latest version of ophcrack live cd. To crack passwords on an XP computer select 'ophcrack XP LiveCD'. To crack passwords on a VISTA computer select 'ophcrack VISTA LiveCD'.

3.The software you download will be a CD image (.iso format). If you try opening this on a computer with a CD-Writer and CD-Writing Software (eg. Nero, Roxio, Record Now, or whatever you have) it will write that file to a CD.
So, make the CD

Step 2: Crack

1. Make sure the computer you intend to crack is off.

2. Turn on, and instantly pop in the CD you just created.

3. By this time, windows might have started loading. So, turn off computer by holding down power button and then turn on again. What you want to do is boot from the CD. This can be done in two ways:
a. Often pressing one of the function keys (depending on manufacturer) takes you into the BIOS setup (the first splash screen that pops up when you turn on your computer should tell you which one: often F2, F11 or F12.) There, you should look around until you find where you can change the boot order (this differs from company to company depending on your computer brand). Change the boot order, so the computer first boots from CD then from Hard Disk.
b. There is often another function key (again depending on manufacturer) which enters you into the boot selection menu where you can select where to boot from. Hit boot from CD.

4. Watch as the CD loads. It will load a temporary version of linux on to the ram, dump all user names in a box and start processing. This software can only crack passwords up to 14 digits. As it deciphers the passwords, it will decipher each password in two blocks of 7 characters each, and then show you the whole password as a combination of those two under the column labeled 'net password'.

5. Vola! In about 5-10 minutes you have all the user names and passwords on that computer.