Introduction: Save You Tube HD (With Out a Program)

About: I like to make random things.

In this Instructable I will show you how to save You Tube videos in to .MP4 format.

You Will Need:

A Computer
A Internet

Step 1: Step One (Opening Your Video)

Okay, The first step in this Instructable is to open your you tube video.

Once you have your video open find the URL at the top of the screen.

It should say something like

Now to add 'keep-' in front of you tube.

It now should look something like this.

Hit enter to go to the new URL


Now we are ready to download the video from Keep Tube.

When the web page loads you will see the title pf your video and a image from it.

You will also see many options for downloading.

Since this video is in HD and I want to save it in HD i am going to use the last option.

To save your video simply right click it and click 'Save Link As...'

Then save it where ever desired.

Step 3: Step Three (Enjoy)

After the download is complete simply open it from where you saved it

And enjoy :)

Thank you for reading this Instructable.