Introduction: Seimans LGR7631A Laser Pointer

About: Jack passed away May 20, 2018 after a long battle with cancer. His Instructables site will be kept active and questions will be answered by our son-in-law, Terry Pilling. Most of Jack's instructables are tuto…

A while back a friend gave me this laser he found in a silicon valley surplus store. It sat around for a while before I decided to try to get it working. It is kind of beat up and looks like it had been sitting at the bottom of someone's junk box for a long time. The manufacturing date on the sticker on the tube says March 1987. After soldering a few broken connections I had it working with the pieces spread out on my desktop.

The driver board is mounted to the plywood with 4 #6x1 inch wood screws and 4 1/2 inch nylon spacers.

The transformer and the laser tube are each mounted with 2 #6x1/2 inch wood screws.

The laser tube is a Siemens LGR 7631A 1.5-2.5mW laser. (Not powerful enough to pop a balloon and not a lot more powerful than a little battery powered laser pointer.)

Do not point lasers at people, and I don't recommend them for cat toys, you might accidentally hit them in the eyes.

The laser can be found online, search for Siemens LGR 7631A.

Step 1: The Laser Tube

Shown lighted and unlighted.

Step 2: Connector

The wires from the driver board to the tube are very flexible fine stranded wire with thick insulation.

This is the polarized connector that connects the driver board to the laser tube.

Step 3: Transformer?

I am guessing a high voltage, high frequency transformer.

Connected with bayonet connectors, not polarized, I was careful to remember the polarity.

Step 4: Driver Board

The driver board and a closeup of the daughter board, which appears to be a filter and regulator.

Step 5: T-shirt

Just in case you are wondering, this is the image on the t-shirt that is partially covered in the intro picture.

Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016