Introduction: Spaghetti Cookies

I always have to make them before christmas because there is a lot of marzipan in it. Also they are not everyday cookies but really tasty.

Step 1: Dough Ingredients and First Steps

To baking the spaghetti cookies you need following ingredients for the dough:

  • 250gramm flour (I think it should be 2 1/8 cups)
  • 100gramm sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 2 egg yolk
  • 2 knife tips baking powder
  • 160gramm butter (3/4 cup)

You knead all ingredients to a smooth dough. You form sausages and wrap them into cling film. Put it for 30 minutes into the fridge. After the 30 minutes you cut them into two finger's breadth pieces and flatten them. They should be round and only a few millimeters high.

Step 2: Spaghetti

The ingredients for the spaghettis are:

  • 700gramm marzipan ( I don't know how much it is in cups.)
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar

You also have to knead this ingredients but a tip wear gloves. The spaghetti dough will be really sticky.

Step 3:

Now the last ingredients for the decoration:

  • some white chocolate (I don't know if it is the right word but it should be grated!?)
  • some red jam

Step 4: The Baking Steps

The next step is to bake the dough for 5 minutes at 375° F. Perhaps you have to experiment a little bit with the temperature. After the 5 minutes you have to press the spaghetti dough through a garlic press on the prebaked dough. It should look like spaghettis. Now you bake it for about 7 more minutes until it is golden brown.

Step 5: Decorating

After the cookies have been cooling down you can decorate them. First heat the jam a little bit with water and drop it on the top of the cookies. Then trickle the white chocolate over them.

Please be kind and forgive mistakes in the language because I am German and not so good in English.

For German speaking people visit my blog for the German recipe.

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