Introduction: Simple, 2 Step Wooden Bokkens

About: Welcome to the weaponmasters guild. Here you will be able to view weapon making tutorials and request some(within reason). Please, enjoy your time here.

this guide tesches you how to make wooden bokkens and daggers. the style shown is a ninja-to w/out tsuba but fell free to be creative; western longswords, scimitars, goreswords (though you might struggle with those) and more! Btw a bokken is mainly used for sword training but if you add the extra step it will become evil stabby weapon of DOOM!!! anyways enjoy.

NOTE: you can make daggers if you scale this thing down).

Materials: enough wood to compensate for your sword (of course) if you want a tsuba (handguard) be sure to cover that too.

Tools: saw (any style will do, make sure you can cut your project with it though. Jigsaw and bandsaw are recommended).
Sander(any form is permitted, including lathes. For goreswords you may need a cylinder sander).

this project can take from a minute (or less) to 20 mins. dependant on the detail you put in your work.

Step 1: Cut It Out

After you mark out your desired implement of death, cut it out using the saw i mentioned earlier.

Goresword lovers, a little note; don't go to too much effort in detail; or you might have trouble cutting it out.

Step 2: Sharpening

time to Sharpen!/Hone!/Sand! your blade to the right sharpness. remember, keep it at 70 degrees if you want the best effect.

bokkens don't nessescarily have to be sharp; they just have to be in relatively good shape.

Step 3: Time To.... Do What Ever You Do With a Bokken!

Finally, your training weapon is finished and ready to use. that wan't that hard now was it?

P.S. enjoy your new tools of destruction!