Introduction: Custom Laser Cut Catan Board

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I discovered this custom designed Settlers of Catan board on Kickstarter last year and knew I needed to support the project!  For a donation, I got the files to assemble something I could laser cut on our Epilog.  After arranging the files how I wanted (and creating a custom desert tile), I cut, sanded, and finished the piece in 1/4" pine.  Then I backed the board with some awesome leather I found, using contact cement.

If I were to do this again, I would go for a thinner wood.  I actually sampled a bunch of exotic woods to make the tiles out of, and would absolutely recommend that as well.  I gave this board to my brother for his birthday, and as soon as I can carve out some time, plan to make another!

Shandy, the designer has done an amazing job of chronicling his project at  I highly recommend checking it out.  You can buy a custom board there, or the files to make your own!  I made this one at Techshop.  

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