A Different Retro Lime Jell-O Salad


Intro: A Different Retro Lime Jell-O Salad

When I was a kid my mom served Jell-O with fruit cocktail for dessert ; because we had a  large family and it was cheap to make.  After I got married we moved to California and I got a job.  Every Friday all the gals would bring a dish to serve for lunch.  One lady brought in this delicious Jell-O salad and I requested  the recipe.  I made it all the years my kids were growing up.  It was one dish I took to picnics and gatherings because so many people loved it.  I have not made it for a very long time and I am not sure I have the original recipe correct but  this version is very close to what I remember.   This Jell-O is a refreshing dish to bring to any outdoor gathering.  

STEP 1: Ingredients and Utensils

1 Large package Lime Jell-O
3-4 Stalks chopped celery 
1 Cup Large curd cottage cheese
1/2  Cup Cream cheese
1 Cup Canned Pineapple I suggest the very small tid bits  and not the chunks.  Don't use fresh pineapple it won't set up. 
Lime and parsley for garnish
1 cup chopped pecans or nuts optional
2 Cups boiling water


Mixing bowls, sauce pan, spoon, shallow casserole dish, measuring cup, knife, and cutting board.

STEP 2: Heat Water

Heat 2 cups of water until boiling.
Turn off the heat.
Add the Jell-O and stir until the Jell-O sugar is dissolved. 
Let cool to room temperature.

STEP 3: Measure and Chop

Chop 1 cup of Celery.
Chop 1 cup of pecans or nuts optional.
Chop 1/2 cup cream cheese. 
Measure 1 cup cottage cheese.
Sliced  lime and parsley are for garnish 

 The cream cheese should be a little chunky but not big chunks.  

STEP 4: Add Cream Cheese

When the Jell-O has completely cooled. 
Add the cream cheese and stir. 
Put this mixture in the refrigerator until it just begins to set. 

STEP 5: Add Ingredients

Remove the Jell-O mixture from the refrigerator. 
Add the drained pineapple, celery, cottage cheese, and nuts.
Mix well.
Place in the refrigerator until firm. 

STEP 6: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

I had almost forgotten how good it was. Even hubby made several comments about it tonight.  I have tried to find the original recipe online without success.  The original recipe did not have nuts and used lemon and lime Jell-O.  I did find similar versions using mayonnaise and whipped cream; but  this recipe was different.  

In closing I would like to thank our instructables company, sponsors, authors, readers, and members; for making this community a great success! Many hours and hard work has been put into making this place the best DIY on the Internet. Have a splendorous day! Sunshiine


Looks delightful, gotta try it.
It is my favorite Jell-0 salad! Thanks for stopping by to take a look! Have a splendorous day!
There is ALWAYS room for jello :)
There is! Where is your new recipe? I have missed reading them. Hope you make this it is worth it. As a matter of fact hubby and I are going to the store in a few minutes because " Mikie likes it and wants more! Hope your day has been awesome.
Yea, I guess "Hippie Steak" is not an actual recipe and I'm having $ issues. No worries girl. What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger :)
I always like looking at your brands of products (and canucksgirl) because I've never seen them.
Jello is the same box
We have those! Of course the popular name brands are very good.
other than Frys Walmart or Bashas store brand i guess i dont get out much.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. You could almost count on two hands how much I have been out this past year. At least we have saved on gas!
Oh yea, you should hear my Romney. I made'm up but they are a bit Mormon trashy. On the same not they where deemed nice by 4 different Mormons..... go figure
Will the white house dinners serve that moroni dish on talking gold plates? :)
Couldn't get much weirder (even with the LDS). 

Isn't Obama a "non-practicing Methodist and Baptist" from a Christian mother and a father who's "confirmed Atheist" but formerly Muslim? 

What brands do you have in these products?
It is the getting stronger part that can be hard at the time but it does work.
Thanks! You are an inspiration!
Thanks for including this recipe - brings back good memories of when I had it as a kid (6 decades ago). If I can remember if from so long ago, you know it has to be good and is definately worth a try. The only thing I would caution is NOT to use fresh pineapple since doing so would cause the Jell-O not to set due to enzymes from the fresh fruit....
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