Airplane Propeller Ceiling Fan


Intro: Airplane Propeller Ceiling Fan

I had found this old propeller to add to the collection of airplane parts I was displaying in my garage. I didn’t know at first what to do with it, but once I got the idea of converting it into a ceiling fan… There was no turning back.

STEP 1: Take It Apart

First I disassembled the propeller for cleaning and painting.

STEP 2: Ask for Help

I then gave the center hub to a friend from work who I knew had the skills required to fabricate a mounting bracket. I gave him free reign in designing the bracket, and he created a vertical mount with a six inch pulley at the top.

STEP 3: Skipped a Couple of Steps... Sorry.

Like many projects, I got so involved in getting things done, that I forgot to take photos… Here the mounting bracket has been hung on a vertical 2X8 that I attached to the rafters in the garage. The prop had been painted, new manufacturers decals have been added, and it was mounted to the bracket.

STEP 4: Make It Spin!

To spin the propeller, I bought this motor that was originally used in a mobility scooter. It is a 24 volt 6 amp DC electric motor that turns at 300rpm.

STEP 5: Make It Spin... Part 2

I removed the original geared pulley. Painted the motor mount black, rotated it 180 degrees and remounted it. I then added a three inch v-belt pulley. It was mounted on the 2X8 above the propeller bracket, facing down, so the three inch pulley on the motor lined up with the six inch pulley on the propeller mount.

A v-belt connects the motor to the mount, and a 110volt AC to 12volt 3 amp DC power supply is used. The prop turns at roughly 75rpm.

STEP 6: IT... IS... ALIVE! (For Fun, I Added Some Sound Effects to the Beginning of the Video.)

STEP 7: My Other Aircraft Part Instructables!

My garage is becoming a bone yard of used airplane parts. Here is another of my aircraft projects…


Do you have any ideas... tips... hints... of how the bracket was made? I would love a part list or something?!?! I love this and really want to make it. But there are a lot of concerns with the weight and bracket I have. I would just love to get anything you have on it. Thanks.
Hello, Where did you locate your propeller for this fan project? I am working on a similar project. Thanks, Hans
It look awesome

How do you prevent it from dropping in case something breaks?
dude you could add a sound effects module for that!
That prop when new is worth several thousand dollars! if it is airworthy - it is worth several thousand dollars! Please help me find one too! :)
The prop is not airworthy. I was told it had been used as a training aid at a technical school. I purchased the prop on ebay for the opening bid, which was under three hundred dollars. Also, it was located within two hours driving distance, so I did not have to pay to have it shipped. I believe that I was lucky to find this, but deals are out there.
Holy $#!* I wish I could find a good propeller like this, Do you know how much they cost to make! Especially Aluminium and steel blades! Nice use for it but If I had one of these I don't think I would be able to bring myself do anything to it other than display it on a wall or something.
Definitely a nice "subtle" way to show your friends how much of a aviation enthusiast you are!
Thank you,
Awesome! your project is so much better than the typical static clock!
Very good find!
That looks cool as you know what.

Reminds me of the ceiling fan in Restaurant Depot.I have to go to Restaurant Depot in Indianapolis to shop. Inside, on the warehouse ceiling, is the biggest friggin ceiling fan I've ever seen. It has 3 blades on it. I bet they're at least 10' long, if not longer. They almost look like aluminum air foils. The fan looks like it's running about 60rpm. From being about 35' from the ground, the breeze it creates on the floor is pretty good.
Look up Big Ass Fans. These are probably like the one you saw.

Thanks for the compliments! I added another step to this instructable (at the end) with links to two more of my projects that used airplane parts.

Are those the tail feathers of a radio model??? Figures I am green with jealousy brilliant
The tail feathers are from an RC plane that I bought at an estate auction. It did not have an engine or radio controls, but I got it for just a couple of bucks. So I put a wood prop on it and hung it in the garage.
Love it - Looks great!
Do you plan to paint a red stripe around the room to warn bystander on a ladder that they are in the sling-blade zone? :) .

Sweet wing tip , with a strob too
thats just awesome but I thought a propeller moves air to the rear or up in this case, do you run it backwards ?
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