Arduino MIDI Rockband Drumset


Intro: Arduino MIDI Rockband Drumset

This video shows an early prototype of my arduino MIDI rockband drumset.


Hey man, nice job. Can I have a gander at the source code?

Thanks, Josh
Here you go. If it seems confusing, see my other instructable about Arduino MIDI Organ Pedals. I explain the code in that instructable. Also note that this is not the source code that was used in the video. I have since modified it to produce different sounds. I also added a second pedal that when pressed, makes the sound of a closing Hi-Hat, and when the left drum trigger is hit it makes the sound of a closed Hi-Hat being hit. Also, when the pedal is not pressed and the left trigger is hit, it makes an open hi-hat sound. I hope you find this useful!
int redpad=0;
int yellowpad=0;
int bluepad=0;
int greenpad=0;
int peddle=0;
int lastpeddle=0;
int peddle2=0;
int lastpeddle2=0;

int hiHat = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(5, INPUT);
pinMode(6, INPUT);


void loop() {

redpad = analogRead(A0);
if (redpad >25) {
if (hiHat == 1) {
noteOn(0x99, 42, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 42, 0x00);
else {
noteOn(0x99, 46, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 46, 0x00);

yellowpad = analogRead(A1);
if (yellowpad >25) {
noteOn(0x99, 40, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 40, 0x00);

bluepad = analogRead(A2);
if (bluepad >25) {
noteOn(0x99, 47, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 47, 0x00);

greenpad = analogRead(A3);
if (greenpad >25) {
noteOn(0x99, 57, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 57, 0x00);

peddle = digitalRead(6);
if (peddle != lastpeddle) {
if (peddle == 1) {
noteOn(0x99, 36, 0x7F);
else {
noteOn(0x99, 36, 0x00);

peddle2 = digitalRead(5);
if (peddle2 != lastpeddle2) {
if (peddle2 == 1) {
noteOn(0x99, 44, 0x7F);
noteOn(0x99, 44, 0x00);
hiHat = 1;
else {
hiHat = 0;
else {
if (peddle2 == 1) {
hiHat = 1;
else {
hiHat = 0;

lastpeddle = peddle;
lastpeddle2 = peddle2;


void noteOn(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2) {
College has been keeping me pretty busy, so this project has gradually come to a halt. I can post the source code as another comment if anyone asks.
Here are the links to the parts I purchased:

For use with an Arduino Duemilanove:
For use with an Arduino Uno:

DIP Socket for atmega328p:

16 MHz Crystal:

Power Regulator:

22 pF Capacitor (x2):

Perf Board to solder it all to:

MIDI cable:

And of course, a rockband drumset (it shouldn't matter if it's xbox 360, wii, playstation 2 or 3):

I can't remember what resistors I used to pull down the analog inputs for the drum triggers.  I'm sure they're interchangeable, and in hindsight, potentiometers would probably would have been a good idea to adjust the sensitivity of the triggers. 

Since this video, I added support for a second foot pedal and reprogrammed the chip to output different midi notes to utilize a hihat sound.  The second pedal decides whether the hihat makes a closed or open sound.

This entire project cost me around $50.  I don't have a schematic, but the wiring is pretty self explanatory.

The most important parts of this project are modified from the following tutorial:

If anyone improves or expands on this project, keep me in the loop.  I'd like to see what others can do and learn from them.

Nice...keep up the good work :)