Batch Game Movement (Tutorial)


Intro: Batch Game Movement (Tutorial)

Now, there are many ways to get a character in batch to move, however, in this tutorial is probably the shortest codes anyone has made.


Note: Copy and paste the following code into notepad or another text-editing program and save it as movement.bat

STEP 1: Code 1 (simple Movement)

@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
title movement
color 0a

set length=         
set height= a

echo Use WASD to move your character ([]).
for %%a in ( %height% ) do echo.
echo %length%[]
choice /c wasd /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 call:up
if %errorlevel% equ 2 call:left
if %errorlevel% equ 3 call:down
if %errorlevel% equ 4 call:right

set length=!length:~0,-1!
goto controls

set length=%length%
goto controls

set height=!height:~0,-2!
goto controls

set height=%height% a
goto control

As you can see, the code is very small (29 lines to be exact). This, I believe, is one of the smallest anyone has made.

Feel free to use it as the basis for any games to come, also, extra points if you make pong with it.

STEP 2: Code 2 (Grid Confined Movement)

In this code, your character will be confined to a "cage".

@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
color 0a
title Movement 2 ~ Grid
goto data

set lespa=         
set rispa=         
set space=5
set err=0
set right=10
set left=10

echo Move your character (X) with the WASD keys. Press R to reset
echo #######################
if %space% equ 0 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 1 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 2 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 3 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 4 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 5 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 6 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 7 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 8 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     #
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 9 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #                     # )
if %space% equ 10 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #                     #
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%# )
echo #######################
choice /c wasdr /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto w
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto a
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto s
if %errorlevel% equ 4 goto d
if %errorlevel% equ 5 goto data

set /a space=%space%-1
if %space% lss 0 set space=0
goto hud

set lespa=!lespa:~0,-1!
set /a left=%left%-1
if %left% lss 1 set left=1 && set lespa=%lespa%
set rispa=%rispa%
set /a right=%right%+1
if %right% gtr 19 set right=19 && set rispa=!rispa:~0,-1!
goto hud

set /a space=%space%+1
if %space% gtr 10 set space=10
goto hud

set rispa=!rispa:~0,-1!
set /a right=%right%-1
if %right% lss 1 set right=1 && set rispa=%rispa%
set lespa=%lespa%
set /a left=%left%+1
if %left% gtr 19 set left=19 && set lespa=!lespa:~0,-1!
goto hud


I have made a few changes so it should be working again. (at least for me it does):

In this code, your character will be confined to a "cage".
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
color 0a
title Movement 2 ~ Grid
goto data
set lespa=----------
set rispa=----------
set space=5
set err=0
set right=10
set left=10
echo Move your character (X) with the WASD keys. Press R to reset
echo #######################
if %space% equ 0 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 1 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 2 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 3 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 4 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 5 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 6 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 7 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 8 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 9 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%#
echo #---------------------# )
if %space% equ 10 if %err% neq 1 (
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #---------------------#
echo #%lespa%X%rispa%# )
echo #######################
choice /c wasdr /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto w
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto a
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto s
if %errorlevel% equ 4 goto d
if %errorlevel% equ 5 goto data
set /a space=%space%-1
if %space% lss 0 set space=0
goto hud
if %right% gtr 19 goto hud
set lespa=!lespa:~0,-1!
set /a right=%right%+1
set /a left=%left%-1
set "rispa=%rispa%-"
goto hud
set /a space=%space%+1
if %space% gtr 10 set space=10
goto hud
if %left% gtr 19 goto hud
set rispa=!rispa:~0,-1!
set /a right=%right%-1
set "lespa=%lespa%-"
set /a left=%left%+1
goto hud
'D' doesn't work for me. Something was coded incorrectly.
Hello Prof. Pickle
I just make a ripoff of the "Roseymon" game, it called Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasmon
here is the sample code

@echo off
echo Welcome to Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasmon!
echo Ready to play?
echo 1) Story mode
echo 2) Battle
echo 3) Exit/Cancel
set /p letter=
if %letter% == 1 goto storymode
if %letter% == 2 goto battle
if %letter% == 3 goto exit
goto menu
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Welcome fellow person! Do you want to start your adventure?
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: That is great! What is your name?
set /p name=
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Welcome %name%!
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Wanna choose your starter Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasmon?
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Okay! Choose one of theese Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasmons!
echo 4) 4. Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasca (Plant)
echo 5) 5. Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasdolf (Water)
echo 6) 6. Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasfire (Fire)
echo 7) Help: Say the number at the start of the Roseymon to choose it!
set /p letter=
if %letter% == 4 goto plantstarter
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Ah! Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasca! A well choice!
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Do you want to battle?
echo Y to battle N to not battle
if %letter% == n goto continue
if %letter% == y goto battle
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: Okay! Here we go!
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas sent out Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasman
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasman used water splash!
echo -1 HP
echo You have 12 hp left!
echo What move do you want to use?
echo 1) 1. Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas petals
echo 2) 2. Leaf block
echo 3) Help: Say the number at the start of the attack to choose it!
if %letter% == 1 goto atk1
if %letter% == 2 goto atk2
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas petals dealt 13 dmg!
echo It is super effective!
echo The Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasman got knocked out!
echo Your Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasca leveld up!
echo It is now level 2!
echo Leaf block blocked the opponents attack!
echo Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossasman used swoop!
echo It failed
echo 1) 1. Rose petals
echo 2) 2. Leaf block
echo 3) Help: Say the number at the start of the attack to choose it!
if %letter% == 1 goto atk1
if %letter% == 2 goto atk2

Hi Prof Pickle,

I'm trying to make a simple scissors, paper, rock game. But the if %you%=1 %cpu%=1 part doesn't work. Can you help?

@ECHO off
color 09
title Scissors, Paper, Rock!
echo Welcome to Scissors Paper Rock made by Alex.
echo Enter your username:
set /p user=
if %user%==LeoL3o05 goto win
echo Welcome %user%!
echo Enter Your Choice:
echo 1: Scissors
echo 2: Paper
echo 3: Rock
set /p you=
if %you%==1 set you=scissors
if %you%==2 set you=papers
if %you%==3 set you+rocks
set /a cpu=%random% %% 3+1
if %cpu% EQU 1 set cpu=scissor
if %cpu% EQU 2 set cpu=paper
if %cpu% EQU 3 set cpu=rock
if %you%=1 %cpu%=1 goto draw
if %you%=1 %cpu%=2 goto win
if %you%=1 %cpu%=3 goto lose
if %you%=2 %cpu%=1 goto lose
if %you%=2 %cpu%=2 goto draw
if %you%=2 %cpu%=3 goto win
if %you%=3 %cpu%=1 goto win
if %you%=3 %cpu%=2 goto lose
if %you%=3 %cpu%=3 goto draw
color 0e
echo Aww... so close!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 04
echo Sorry... the computer was overpowered.
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 0a
echo Congrats! You have overpowered the computer!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome

Hi, Alex. Sorry for late response, but i fixed your code and it shoud work now!
@ECHO off
title Scissors, Paper, Rock!
echo Welcome to Scissors Paper Rock made by Alex.
set /p user="Enter your username: "
if %user%==LeoL3o05 goto win
echo Welcome, %user%!
color 09
echo Level 1
echo 1: Scissors
echo 2: Paper
echo 3: Rock
set /p choice="Enter your choice: "
if %choice% equ 1 (set you=1)
if %choice% equ 2 (set you=2)
if %choice% equ 3 (set you=3)
set /a cpu=%random% %%3 + 1
if %cpu% EQU 1 set cpu=1
if %cpu% EQU 2 set cpu=2
if %cpu% EQU 3 set cpu=3
if %you% equ 1 (if %cpu% equ 1 ( goto draw))
if %you% equ 1 (if %cpu% equ 2 (goto win))
if %you% equ 1 (if %cpu% equ 3 (goto lose))
if %you% equ 2 (if %cpu% equ 1 (goto lose))
if %you% equ 2 (if %cpu% equ 2 (goto draw))
if %you% equ 2 (if %cpu% equ 3 (goto win))
if %you% equ 3 (if %cpu% equ 1 (goto win))
if %you% equ 3 (if %cpu% equ 2 (goto lose))
if %you% equ 3 (if %cpu% equ 3 (goto draw))
echo human: %you% computer: %cpu%
color 0e
echo Aww... so close! It's a draw!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 04
echo Sorry... the computer overpowered you.
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 0a
echo Congrats! You have overpowered the computer!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome

Oh and can you please comment you email below? Twank youu

I made it better there should be no bugs and I added a score system and

Don't change the title or it will break

::start copying here

@echo off

color 0a

:: sets

set chchch=0

set score=

set you=

set check=

goto cht




if chchch=0 exit

color 0a

set title= Welcome to Rock , Papper , Scissors made by Andrey

title %title%



echo Enter your username.

set /p user=

if %user%==LeoL3o05 goto win2


set check= 1


echo Welcome %user%



echo choose your gamemode


echo Q ) quit

echo 1 ) to easy

echo 2 ) normal

echo 3 ) hard

echo 4 ) impossible

echo 5 ) Build code

choice /c 1234q5 /n

if %errorlevel% == 1 goto to easy

if %errorlevel% == 2 goto normal

if %errorlevel% == 3 goto hard

if %errorlevel% == 4 goto impossible

if %errorlevel% == 5 goto exit

if %errorlevel% == 6 goto code



title are your sure you want to exit? (Y/N)





echo are you sure you want to exit? (Y/N)

choice /c yn /n

if %errorlevel% == 1 exit

if %errorlevel% == 2 goto check


if %check%==1 goto gamemodes


set chchch=1

if %title%==Welcome to Rock , Papper , Scissors made by Andrey. goto chts

set chchch=0



:to easy

color 0a

set checkmode=1

title to easy mode


echo Enter your choice


echo 1: Scissors

echo 2: Papper

echo 3: Rock

choice /c 123 /n

if %errorlevel%== 1 set you=1

if %errorlevel%== 2 set you=2

if %errorlevel%== 3 set you=3

set /a com=%random% %% 4+1

if %com%==1 set com=1

if %com%==2 set com=2

if %com%==3 set com=3

if %com%==4 set com=4


echo you: %you% computer: %com%

timeout 1 > null

goto easyinput


if %you%==1 if %com%==1 goto draw

if %you%==1 if %com%==2 goto win

if %you%==1 if %com%==3 goto lose

if %you%==1 if %com%==4 goto win

if %you%==2 if %com%==1 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==2 goto draw

if %you%==2 if %com%==3 goto win

if %you%==2 if %com%==4 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==1 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==2 goto lose

if %you%==3 if %com%==3 goto draw

if %you%==3 if %com%==4 goto win


color 0a

set checkmode=2

title normal mode


echo Enter your choice


echo 1: Scissors

echo 2: Papper

echo 3: Rock

choice /c 123 /n

if %errorlevel%== 1 set you=1

if %errorlevel%== 2 set you=2

if %errorlevel%== 3 set you=3

set /a com=%random% %% 3+1

if %com%==1 set com=1

if %com%==2 set com=2

if %com%==3 set com=3


echo you: %you% computer: %com%

timeout 1 > null

goto easyinput


if %you%==1 if %com%==1 goto draw

if %you%==1 if %com%==2 goto win

if %you%==1 if %com%==3 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==1 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==2 goto draw

if %you%==2 if %com%==3 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==1 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==2 goto lose

if %you%==3 if %com%==3 goto draw


color 0a

set checkmode=3

title hard mode


echo Enter your choice


echo 1: Scissors

echo 2: Papper

echo 3: Rock

choice /c 123 /n

if %errorlevel%== 1 set you=1

if %errorlevel%== 2 set you=2

if %errorlevel%== 3 set you=3

set /a com=%random% %% 4+1

if %com%==1 set com=1

if %com%==2 set com=2

if %com%==3 set com=3

if %com%==4 set com=4


echo you: %you% computer: %com%

timeout 1 > null

goto easyinput


if %you%==1 if %com%==1 goto draw

if %you%==1 if %com%==2 goto win

if %you%==1 if %com%==3 goto lose

if %you%==1 if %com%==4 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==1 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==2 goto draw

if %you%==2 if %com%==3 goto win

if %you%==2 if %com%==4 goto lose

if %you%==3 if %com%==1 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==2 goto lose

if %you%==3 if %com%==3 goto draw

if %you%==3 if %com%==4 goto lose


color 0a

set checkmode=4

title impossible mode


echo Enter your choice


echo 1: Scissors

echo 2: Papper

echo 3: Rock

choice /c 123 /n

if %errorlevel%== 1 set you=1

if %errorlevel%== 2 set you=2

if %errorlevel%== 3 set you=3

set /a com=%random% %% 2+1

if %com%==1 set com=1

if %com%==2 set com=2

if %com%==3 set com=3

if %com%==4 set com=4


echo you: %you% computer: %com%

timeout 1 > null

goto easyinput


if %you%==1 if %com%==1 goto draw

if %you%==1 if %com%==2 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==1 goto lose

if %you%==2 if %com%==2 goto draw

if %you%==3 if %com%==1 goto win

if %you%==3 if %com%==2 goto lose


color 0e

title draw



echo draw no body wins


echo your score: %score%

timeout 2 > null

if %checkmode%==1 goto to easy

if %checkmode%==2 goto normal

if %checkmode%==3 goto hard

if %checkmode%==4 goto impossible


color 0a

set score=%score% +1

title win



echo you beat the computer !!


echo your score: %score%

timeout 2 > null

if %checkmode%==1 goto to easy

if %checkmode%==2 goto normal

if %checkmode%==3 goto hard

if %checkmode%==4 goto impossible


color 04

set score=%score% -1

title lose



echo the computer beat you. you loose


echo your score: %score%

timeout 2 > null

if %checkmode%==1 goto to easy

if %checkmode%==2 goto normal

if %checkmode%==3 goto hard

if %checkmode%==4 goto impossible


title legendary



echo you have won

echo you are %user%

set score=99999


echo your score=%score%

timeout 6 > null

goto home


title build code


echo code options


echo 1) username code

echo 2) computer choose code

echo 3) who win code

echo 4) home

choice /c 12345 /n

if %errorlevel% == 1 echo set /p user=

if %errorlevel% == 2 echo set /a com=%random% %% 3+1

if %errorlevel% == 3 goto wwc

if %errorlevel% == 5 goto home


title who win code



echo if %you%==1 if %com%==1 goto draw

echo if %you%==1 if %com%==2 goto win

echo if %you%==1 if %com%==3 goto lose

echo if %you%==2 if %com%==1 goto lose

echo if %you%==2 if %com%==2 goto draw

echo if %you%==2 if %com%==3 goto win

echo if %you%==3 if %com%==1 goto win

echo if %you%==3 if %com%==2 goto lose

echo if %you%==3 if %com%==3 goto draw



goto code

I Fixed It:

@ECHO off
color 09
title Scissors, Paper, Rock!
echo Welcome to Scissors Paper Rock made by Alex.
echo Enter your username:
set /p user=
if %user%==LeoL3o05 goto win
echo Welcome %user%!
echo Enter Your Choice:
echo 1: Scissors
echo 2: Paper
echo 3: Rock
set /p you=
if %you%==1 set you=1
if %you%==2 set you=2
if %you%==3 set you=3
set /a cpu=%random% %% 3+1
if %cpu% EQU 1 set cpu=1
if %cpu% EQU 2 set cpu=2
if %cpu% EQU 3 set cpu=3
goto level1input
if %you%==1 if %cpu%==1 goto draw
if %you%==1 if %cpu%==2 goto win
if %you%==1 if %cpu%==3 goto lose
if %you%==2 if %cpu%==1 goto lose
if %you%==2 if %cpu%==2 goto draw
if %you%==2 if %cpu%==3 goto win
if %you%==3 if %cpu%==1 goto win
if %you%==3 if %cpu%==2 goto lose
if %you%==3 if %cpu%==3 goto draw
color 0e
echo Aww... so close!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 04
echo Sorry... the computer was overpowered.
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome
color 0a
echo Congrats! You have overpowered the computer!
echo Press any key to go back home.
goto gamehome

if %you%==1 set you=1

if %you%==2 set you=2

if %you%==3 set you=3


if %cpu% EQU 1 set cpu=1
if %cpu% EQU 2 set cpu=2
if %cpu% EQU 3 set cpu=3

Don't need to be in the code because they change nothing.

If the cpu variable is equal to 1, it doesn't need to be changed to 1.

everything works great. unfortunately, the D button does not work as it should. instead of going to the right, I go to the left. as if the A / D were the same. please help.

I am working on a game called roseymon but it says there is an error there. I need help on this. Can someone tell me whats wrong? Here is the coding:

@echo off



echo Welcome to Roseymon!


echo Ready to play?

echo 1) Story mode

echo 2) Battle

echo 3) Exit/Cancel

set /p letter=

if %letter% == 1 goto storymode

if %letter% == 2 goto battle

if %letter% == 3 goto exit

goto menu



echo Rose: Welcome fellow person! Do you want to start your adventure?


echo Rose: That is great! What is your name?

set /p name=

echo Rose: Welcome %name%!

echo Rose: Wanna choose your starter Roseymon?


echo Rose: Okay! Choose one of theese Roseymons!

echo 4) 4. Rosica (Plant)

echo 5) 5. Rosidolf (Water)

echo 6) 6. Rosifire (Fire)

echo 7) Help: Say the number at the start of the Roseymon to choose it!

set /p letter=

if %letter% == 4 goto plantstarter


echo Rose: Ah! Rosica! A well choice!


echo Rose: Do you want to battle?


echo Y to battle N to not battle

if %letter% == n goto continue

if %letter% == y goto battle



echo Rose: Okay! Here we go!


echo Rose sent out Rosman

echo Roseman used water splash!


echo -1 HP

echo You have 12 hp left!


echo What move do you want to use?

echo 1) 1. Rose petals

echo 2) 2. Leaf block

echo 3) Help: Say the number at the start of the attack to choose it!

if %letter% == 1 goto atk1

if %letter% == 2 goto atk2



echo Rose petals dealt 13 dmg!


echo It is super effective!


echo The Roseman got knocked out!


echo Your Rosica leveld up!

echo It is now level 2!




echo Leaf block blocked the opponents attack!


echo Roseman used swoop!

echo It failed

echo 1) 1. Rose petals

echo 2) 2. Leaf block

echo 3) Help: Say the number at the start of the attack to choose it!

if %letter% == 1 goto atk1

if %letter% == 2 goto atk2

Dear Lindsay

ur doing it wrong.

so instead of

set /p letter=

if %letter% == 1 goto storymode

if %letter% == 2 goto battle

if %letter% == 3 goto exit


set /p letter=

if %letter% equ 1 goto storymode

if %letter% equ 2 goto battle

if %letter% equ 3 gotogoto exit

I think that's wrong too. Nothing is wrong with
set /p letter=
if %letter% == 1 goto storymode
if %letter% == 2 goto battle
if %letter% == 3 goto exit

(Tested it myself)
I think the problem is the labels, at the end you're doing :
While it should be :label_name

One other thing: you're putting the colon on the wrong sides of the menu name if that's what you're trying to get at, if not, and you're trying to make it a choice, try: set /p (name of command):

You also only have one choice, that being Rosica, but I don't believe that that's under your control with the knowledge you possess now, I'm trying to figure that out myself

keep us posted!

@echo off && setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "height=h" && set "length="
echo Your character is []. Move your character using the W, A, S, and D keys.
for %%H in (!height!) do echo.
echo !length![]
choice /c WASD /n
if "!errorlevel!" equ "1" set "height=!height:~0,-2!"
if "!errorlevel!" equ "2" set "length=!length:~0,-1!"
if "!errorlevel!" equ "3" set "height=!height! h"
if "!errorlevel!" equ "4" set "length=!length! "
goto :game


I am having a problem with my game everytime i type 1 (which is the option for fight)

it shows an error.What can i do to fix it

here is the code.

echo off




Title The random boring encounter game

color 0a

echo The Random Boring Encounter Game


echo 1) Start

echo 2) Instructions

echo 3) Exit

Choice /c 123 /n

if %errorlevel% == 1 goto starter

if %errorlevel% == 2 goto ist

if %errorlevel% == 3 goto exit



echo Thanks for playing.





echo There is a completely random chance of winning or losing.But there is a chance

echo written next to the type of the troop.Like-

echo Farmer[s] 1 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo There are 9 levels of monsters.

echo 1)Continue

set /p Gobackinfo=

if %Gobackinfo% equ 1 goto Menu


echo Picking fights.


set /a points=0

set /a num=%random%

if %num% gtr 9 goto starter

if %num% lss 1 goto starter

if %num%==1 goto aa

if %num%==2 goto bb

if %num%==3 goto cc

if %num%==4 goto dd

if %num%==5 goto ee

if %num%==6 goto ff

if %num%==7 goto gg

if %num%==8 goto hh

if %num%==9 goto ii


echo Farmer[s] 1 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p aa1=

if %aa1%==1 goto fightaa

if %aa1%==2 goto run



set /p aa2 = %random%

if %aa1% gtr 10 goto fightaa

if %aa1% lss 0 goto fightaa

if %aa1%==1 goto win5

if %aa1%==2 goto lose5

if %aa1%==3 goto win5

if %aa1%==4 goto win5

if %aa1%==5 goto win5

if %aa1%==6 goto win5

if %aa1%==7 goto win5

if %aa1%==8 goto win5

if %aa1%==9 goto win5

if %aa1%==10 goto win5


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul

echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%


echo Hunter[s] 2 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p bb1=

if %bb1%==1 goto fightbb

if %bb1%==2 goto run



set /p bb2 = %random%

if %bb2% gtr 10 goto fightbb

if %bb2% lss 0 goto fightbb

if %bb2%==1 goto win9

if %bb2%==2 goto lose9

if %bb2%==3 goto win9

if %bb2%==4 goto win9

if %bb2%==5 goto win9

if %bb2%==6 goto win9

if %bb2%==7 goto win9

if %bb2%==8 goto win9

if %bb2%==9 goto lose9

if %bb2%==10 goto win9


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!



set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight



echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Soldier[s] 3 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p cc1=

if %cc1%==1 goto fightcc

if %cc1%==2 goto run



set /p cc2 = %random%

if %cc2% gtr 10 goto fightcc

if %cc2% lss 0 goto fightcc

if %cc2%==1 goto win8

if %cc2%==2 goto lose8

if %cc2%==3 goto win8

if %cc2%==4 goto win8

if %cc2%==5 goto win8

if %cc2%==6 goto win8

if %cc2%==7 goto win8

if %cc2%==8 goto win8

if %cc2%==9 goto lose8

if %cc2%==10 goto lose8


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo horseman[s] 4 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p dd1=

if %dd1%==1 goto fightdd

if %dd1%==2 goto run



set /p dd2 = %random%

if %dd2% gtr 10 goto fightdd

if %dd2% lss 0 goto fightdd

if %dd2%==1 goto win7

if %dd2%==2 goto lose7

if %dd2%==3 goto win7

if %dd2%==4 goto win7

if %dd2%==5 goto win7

if %dd2%==6 goto win7

if %dd2%==7 goto win7

if %dd2%==8 goto lose7

if %dd2%==9 goto lose7

if %dd2%==10 goto lose7


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo King 5 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight him

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p ee1=

if %ee1%==1 goto fightee

if %ee1%==2 goto run



set /p ee2 = %random%

if %ee2% gtr 10 goto fightee

if %ee2% lss 0 goto fightee

if %ee2%==1 goto win6

if %ee2%==2 goto lose6

if %ee2%==3 goto win6

if %ee2%==4 goto win6

if %ee2%==5 goto win6

if %ee2%==6 goto win6

if %ee2%==7 goto lose6

if %ee2%==8 goto lose6

if %ee2%==9 goto lose6

if %ee2%==10 goto lose6


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You are safe.

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Minotaur[s] 6 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p cc1=

if %ff1%==1 goto fightff

if %ff1%==2 goto run


set /p ff2 = %random%

if %ff2% gtr 10 goto fightff

if %ff2% lss 0 goto fightff

if %ff2%==1 goto win4

if %ff2%==2 goto lose4

if %ff2%==3 goto win4

if %ff2%==4 goto win4

if %ff2%==5 goto win4

if %ff2%==6 goto lose4

if %ff2%==7 goto lose4

if %ff2%==8 goto lose4

if %ff2%==9 goto lose4

if %ff2%==10 goto lose4


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You are safe.

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Giant[s] 7 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p gg1=

if %gg1%==1 goto fightgg

if %gg1%==2 goto run


set /p gg2 = %random%

if %gg2% gtr 10 goto fightgg

if %gg2% lss 0 goto fightgg

if %gg2%==1 goto win1

if %gg2%==2 goto lose1

if %gg2%==3 goto win1

if %gg2%==4 goto win1

if %gg2%==5 goto lose1

if %gg2%==6 goto lose1

if %gg2%==7 goto lose1

if %gg2%==8 goto lose1

if %gg2%==9 goto lose1

if %gg2%==10 goto lose1


echo You are safe.

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!

set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Titan[s] 8 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p hh1=

if %hh1%==1 goto fighthh

if %hh1%==2 goto run


set /p hh2 = %random%

if %hh2% gtr 10 goto fighthh

if %hh2% lss 0 goto fighthh

if %hh2%==1 goto lose2

if %hh2%==2 goto lose2

if %hh2%==3 goto lose2

if %hh2%==4 goto lose2

if %hh2%==5 goto lose2

if %hh2%==6 goto win2

if %hh2%==7 goto win2

if %hh2%==8 goto lose2

if %hh2%==9 goto lose2

if %hh2%==10 goto lose2


echo You are safe.

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!



set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight



echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo God[s] 9 out of 10 chance of losing.

echo 1] Fight them

echo 2] Run away (100% safe)

set /p ii1=

if %ii1%==1 goto fightii

if %ii1%==2 goto run


set /p ii2 = %random%

if %ii2% gtr 10 goto fightii

if %ii2% lss 0 goto fightii

if %ii2%==1 goto lose3

if %ii2%==2 goto lose3

if %ii2%==3 goto lose3

if %ii2%==4 goto lose3

if %ii2%==5 goto lose3

if %ii2%==6 goto win3

if %ii2%==7 goto lose3

if %ii2%==8 goto lose3

if %ii2%==9 goto lose3

if %ii2%==10 goto lose3


echo Loading Results.....

timeout /t 7 >nul


echo You Won!!!!!!



set /a points=1+%points%

echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You lost the fight



echo Score=%points%

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter


echo You are safe.

timeout /t 7 >nul

goto starter

Try running the batch file from cmd. The error mesage will show up and you can fix it accordingly.

For example:
This batch file has an error:
@echo off
If %1 == goto no
Echo %1 & exit /b
Echo No arguments! & exit /b
If you run it from cmd with arguments:
F:\> test.bat Test
If you run it from cmd without arguments:
F:\> test.bat
goto was unexpected at this time.
Hope this was useful for you!
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