Brown Butter Cake With Salted Caramel Cover


Intro: Brown Butter Cake With Salted Caramel Cover

It is rainy outside so I got in the mood for some comforting dessert. This is a simple recipe for a delicious cake with low-effort dulce de leche caramel and sea salt. Yum.

Let's get to make it!

STEP 1: Making Caramel Sauce

Take the can with condensed milk, remove the label and put it in a large pot and cover with water. Heat and boil on medium-low for 2-3 hours depending on how thick caramel you like, the longer you cook it the thicker and darker it will become. Let the water cool before you take the can out and dont open the can until it is room temperature!

STEP 2: Making Brown Butter

Measure out 100 grams of butter and melt it in a small saucepan on low heat and swiwel the pan occasionally. The butter will first spatter, then go silent and foam and then start to brown. It is a bit tricky to stop at the right time but when the butter starts to smell nutty and wonderful you are close. The butter will continue to darken a minute or two after you take it off the heat. Once cooled and done it should have the same golden brown hue as picture nr 4.

STEP 3: Butter a Cake Pan

Take a knob of butter and smear it on the bottom and side of a cake pan. You can also use oil or cooking spray for this.

STEP 4: Mix the Cake Batter

Pour the melted butter into a mixing bowl and add sugar, eggs, flour and vanila sugar. Whisk to combine and you're done!

STEP 5: Pour and Bake

Preheat an oven to 175 degrees celcius (350 degrees fahrenheit). Pour the cake batter in the pan and place it in the middle of the oven for about 15 minutes.

You will know it is done when it has a lovely brown colour and it is sliiiightly jiggly in the middle when shaken. It will continue to firm up a bit after you take it out and this way you make sure your cake will be moist rather than over-baked.

STEP 6: Cover With Salted Caramel

Open the jar of caramel and pour it in a mixing bowl. Add ~0.5 tbsp salt, more if you like your caramel on the saltier side. Combine and spread on the cake, sprinkle extra sea salt for decorating.

Cut yourself a slice and enjoy!


There's absolutely nothing that comes close to boiled condensed milk caramel! :)
Haha I also really like the kind you make in a saucepan with sugar and cream when it comes to taste but if you consider the simplicity of the condensed milk kind there’s no debate ;)