Can I Do This ?


Intro: Can I Do This ?

I have two bedroom outlets at the end of a power leg.

The last outlet (on the right) is currently not GFCI protected, and I want to keep it that way since it has electronics plugged into it.

On the other side of the wall is the screened-in room - "outdoors" for all intents and purposes.

I thought of replacing the "upstream" outlet with a GFCI and continuing the "LINE" side to the second outlet. The "LOAD" side would then go through the wall to a new weatherproof outlet.

Is this the way to do it, or should I just install the GFCI outlet in the weatherproof housing outside?



Hi there! This is not an instructional tutorial, so technically it shouldn't be published as an Instructable. However, it's useful and interesting information, so a more appropriate place to post this would be in the forums. You could start a topic and re-post it here: forum topic.