Canvas Re-inforced Cardboard Storage Box


Intro: Canvas Re-inforced Cardboard Storage Box

This is a cheap, easy to make and attractive solution to storing all the things that (like me) you cannot bring yourself to throw away.

I chose a standard sized (33cm x 46cm) cardboard stock box for this project as it allowed me to use all the available space on an over the door shelf. I ended up making 4 boxes which utilised all the shelf space.

I got the idea for this from my partner, who said she had made sculptures using the wet glue canvas and even some pieces of furniture. This stuff may have a lot of potential!

Also a big thank you to my son,Jordan, for taking the pictures.


Cardboard Box

Medium weight canvas sheet

PVA adhesive


Pasting brush or wide paint brush

bowl or plastic container



Pencil/Marker pen

STEP 1: Mark Out the Canvas

I used a tarp outside to lay a piece of the canvas on and roughly cut the canvas to the correct size and set a box on top of the centre of the sheet.

I folded up each 'side' of the canvas sheet to the box and marked the edges of the box with a pencil line. I also marked 'tabs' on each marked edge so that the canvas 'sides' can wrap around the cardboard box to give extra strength and rigidity.

My canvas sheet was large enough to wrap each 'side over the top of the box for about 10 cms, again this gives strength to the finished box..

STEP 2: Cut Out the Canvas

These pictures show the shape of the cut canvas. Note the triangular tabs on each 'side' of the canvas. At this stage I used the canvas shape as a template to make 3 more canvas box coverings by laying a template on top of new canvas sheet and cutting out the outline of the original shape. .

STEP 3: Prepare the Box

I poured some PVA glue onto all the outside surfaces of the box and brushed it in to make a tacky surface to receive the canvas.

STEP 4: Make Up Glue Solution and Clad Box in Canvas

Take a quantity of PVA glue and add water (it needs to be brush-able and spreadable but not too runny). Stick each 'side' of canvas to its appropriate side of the box and soak with the glue solution with a wide brush..

STEP 5: Set to Dry and Finish

The glue solution took about 24 hours to fully dry. Once dry, you can paint or decorate how you wish. I went for a very plain finish. Final picture shows most of my untidy, 'don't know where this goes' stuff neatly hidden away.

Thanks for reading.


Great idea!

Plastic bin storage has become very expensive in my country thanks to the rising costs of Petrol and related products.

This puts cheap, durable boxes for storage back in the game. And you are recycling stuff around the house.

Some ideas for extending the project:

There are now some polyester canvasses for sale in some fabric/foam/upholstry shops. They are used mostly for things like outdoor camping chairs, 4x4 seat covers etc. The fabrics come in a range of colours and are waterproof.

Only downside is the possibility that the pva glue might not stick to the polyester. A contact adhesive would probably work better here.

Painting the inside of the box with an enamel paint would go a long way to waterproofing the box.

The best about this is that it is possible to resize the box easily to fit your exact needs. Usually one of the biggest gripes with plastic boxes are that they have odd tapering shapes, moulded handles and extended lips which causes gaps when stacking them. This way you can really fill all the space and get the sizes you want not what the factory dictates.,

Well done! Keep up the good work!

looks great. I wonder if old shirts etc could be cut into rectangles etc and overlaid as a patchwork to save canvas and everything would be up cycled then. Will try it and put up a image.