Cardboard Stand for Easy Drawing With Phone


Intro: Cardboard Stand for Easy Drawing With Phone

This DIY project will help you when you try to draw something from your phone screen.

The principle is that picture from your phone screen is partially reflected by transparent plastic (for example CD Cover). So when you look from top, you can see reflected picture appears "on the paper".

STEP 1: Step 1: Materials and Tools


- cardboard

- old CD Cover (or maybe new, it will be clean and scratch free)


- paper knife

- pen

- cutting board - better do not cut directly on the table ;)

STEP 2: Step2: Cut Cardboard Stand

In this step cut 2 identical cardboard stand shapes according to attached master.
If you prefer, instead of drawing, you can just print master. Last picture on this step is scan of this element, if you just print it on A4, it will be good guide. Dimensions in cm are also shown there, so in should be easy to check if scale fits.

Angle to insert transparent plastic is important to have later flat reflection of picture. I evaluated that angle manually, just by looking on the picture while holding CD cover by hand. After I saw nice flat reflection, I marked a line on the cardboard, and made cut to permanently insert CD cover.

STEP 3: Step 3: Cut One or Two Supports for Stand

Similar like before, just take one or two pieces of cardboard (length like CD cover, width half of it) and cut rows to insert cardboards preapred in step 2. It is hard to write for me, but look on the picture :)

STEP 4: Step 4: Assemble and ... It's Done!

Assemble all pieces together, just like on picture.

Now just two notes for your phone :

- set brightness to max (maybe later adjust it lower)

- lock rotation of screen

Be aware that the picture you see "on the paper" is mirrored. If it is important for you, make reflection on phone. There are programs to do it, but for me it is not important.

Last comment, it is easier to draw if you put paper on something like book. Just to have it higher or closer. I prefer that, but maybe this is becasue of glasses - i don't know.

Have fun :)


Good thinking, I try to remember this ( my head is like a sieve).
Merci pour cet instructable si simple que ça.
Je vais le montrer à mon fils de 10 ans , c est les vacances scolaire au Maroc et j espère
que ça va le régaler.
Encore merci
Thank you for your nice feedback!
Do you have a detailed list of measurements for the "legs"?
you can print attached in step 2 scanned "leg" . there are also shown dimensions. I know they can be barely readible, so please find attached reworked scan in paint_net with measured dimesions. the final angle (red) I think the best is to evaluate manually. Do you plan to do it by yourself?
Really great idea! I think I'll modify it a bit so I can draw larger pics from the phone. I'll probably use a very small peep/pin hole so that I can have a decent focus on the reflected screen image and the work I'm doing which will have to be maybe 40 cm further back from the phone. Then mount the whole assembly on a variable height tripod. This is going to be SOOO useful for my art work!!
This is not only clever, but also inexpensive, fairly simple to do, and very useful. I can see lots of uses of this for crafters of all types. This makes it a great project. Well done!
This is way cool! I asked my grandson if he wanted me to make him one, but he said he'd rather keep improving his drawing skills by drawing without any kind of aid. He's 11 and getting pretty good at drawing Sonic, Spiderman, some kind of wolf character and other super heroes and video game characters.
That's a great idea. It would definitely scale up for a tablet. You could use a dollar store lucite frame for the reflector.
Very nice. I wonder if one could put the project up higher, (on some books or a box) in a darkened room to enlarge the image?
Finally, a pracical use for jewel cases! ^_^

This is really clever. Thanks for posting it.
Great idea!
What a cool way to make an upcycled camera lucida!