Cliff Seed


Intro: Cliff Seed

Got the pic from super smash bros. 2 Kirby's 1 green 1 yellow/orange

STEP 1: Seed

The seed is retro perfect for houses + magic floating sand


Comment :-|$)



I am a Community Manager at Instructables. I am here to help people when they run into problems on the site. A seed for Minecraft does not seem like you are trying to show us how to do or make something which is what we are looking for with Instructables. I think this would be a good thing to post about in the forums though. I think people would enjoy a forum all about seeds and the different ones people know of. I suggest you post about this there. Let me know if you have any questions about how to post in the forums!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Community Support Manager
Hello, I am glad that you want to participate in the Instructables community. Unfortunately, this does not qualify as an Instructable. However, this would make a great forum topic. Please post this in the forums.