Easy Sturdy Cord Winders


Intro: Easy Sturdy Cord Winders

I've been on a paracord buying spree and needed a storage solution; here are the sturdy, easy to make cardboard winders I've come up with.

I've been using the first one as a template so I can make them all pretty standard, but you'll see those existing cuts even in the first steps.

UPDATE: Added another picture of the paracord all wound and another step to demonstrate securing the loose end.

STEP 1: Cardboard Panel

Start with a piece of cardboard twice as wide as the winder and fold like a book; I put any ink or printing on the inside so it won't rub off.

STEP 2: Mark and Cut the "Wings"

Mark and cut angles for the sides; do not cut across the bottom. I roughly measured these with my thumb to make them more-or-less even - this isn't rocket surgery.

I use a box knife to cut through both layers at the same time so they match up - BE CAREFUL!

STEP 3: Fold the Cutouts

Open and fold the extra pieces inside the "book" and tape the long edge tightly closed.

This adds some thickness to the middle of the winder which seems to make the whole thing much stiffer.

STEP 4: Optional: Tuck the Cord In

For paracord, I tuck the end in between the folded tabs to start the winding; for something like extension cords or light strings, I wouldn't.

STEP 5: Securing the Loose End

Finally, to secure the end I usually either tuck it between the layers at one end or the other.

I'm not sure if doing this on the taped edge (like the purple here) will start a split, so I've moved to making a small cut on the folded side (as shown with the green.)

For small string / thread, angled cuts on the folded edge work pretty well too, like in the second picture.


This is a great idea for organizing and recycling all at the same time. We already use toilet paper tubes for organizing smaller extension cords and other cords. These will be a great option, since they will store a little more flat, and I can see making them different sizes for different needs. Should work well for organizing stuff in the camper, too. I might try cutting a slit at each end for tucking the ends into.
I should add a step about securing the loose end. I usually do pretty much what you said, like this:
Yes! Like that! You should add that step to the instructable. :o)
The primary picture shows several colors of cord not on winders. Do you store each cord on its own winder? If not, how do you take the coil off?
Ah, sorry for the confusion; I definitely wanted winders that I could easily make as many as I need to store my paracord colors for as long as they last. Here they’re all wound and a few extras for more!
Suggestion for you: using an awl, put a single hole in the center of the folded long edge. (Either long edge would do, really.) Buy some cheap "loose leaf binder rings" at a dollar store along with a small diameter cafe curtain rod (or any small diameter dowel) and you can hang them up out of the way but easily accessible.
Ooo! I love it! Or just thread a piece of paracord through them like a huge (and floppy) key ring
Good idea!
I think I will make a few or those with wood instead.
I tried making a small one out of a popsicle stick to wrap up a bit of fishing line the other day. I went through about 10 of them and had to settle for the one that was only slightly split. Compressed wood does not like being cut without splitting.
I’ve done some small ones out of soda bottle plastic for fishing line
If you have the tools and the time, go for it, and maybe write it up!
Simple but clever. Good thinking!
So simple! I love how it's not just a piece of cardboard but a bit more advanced than that
Thanks! I tried a bunch of variations, starting with just a pice of cardboard, to find something I was really happy with.
Perfect, simple way to store cordage. Thanks for sharing!
Glad to share! They’re cheap and versatile; you can make little ones from cereal box cardboard or soda bottle plastic, or scale up for more capacity or larger cords.