Finger-less Gloves From a Flannel Shirt


Intro: Finger-less Gloves From a Flannel Shirt

I have not seen finger-less gloves made from  shirt cuffs so I thought I would give it a try.  I thought they turned out very well.  They are easy to make and keep your hands warm.  These would make great texting gloves! I used a sewing machine but they could easily be hand stitched requiring little extra time.  One could use hemming tape as well.  Lets get started!   

STEP 1: Supplies/Tools

What you will need:
  • An old  long sleeve flannel shirt 
  • Scissors
  • Hemming tape if you do not want to hand sew
  • Needle if sewing by hand
  • Thread
  • 2 strings, elastic, or shoe strings about 28 inches long
  • 1 Safety pin
  • Marker
  • Tape measure  
  • Sewing machine if machine sewing
  • An iron and ironing board if using hemming tape.
Please note: A heavy flannel shirt will work best for a warmer pair of gloves.  I had a heavy flannel shirt but the tear was in the wrong place. 

STEP 2: The Cuffs

Measuring / Cutting cuffs:
  • You will need to measure the cutting length of the shirt sleeve for who ever is going to wear the gloves. 
  • I placed my arm on a table and estimated the length I wanted.
  • Then I added extra for a hem say 2-3 inches. ( If you are going to use hemming tape allow for a wide hem because you will need an open area along the hem to insert the draw string.)
  • If it is not wide enough the glue will prevent you from weaving the string through the hem pocket.
  • Mark both sleeves at the cutting line.
  • Cut at the cutting line.


STEP 3: Hem

Folding down the hem:
  • Turn under a  1/4 inch hem allowance.
  • Turn under again this time 1 1/2  inches,  so you have a nice wide hem pocket.  
  • Press well.

STEP 4: Securing the Hem

  • If you are hand sewing now is the time to sew the hem pocket.
  • If you are using the hemming tape now is the time to slip it inside the hem and iron it in.

Machine sewing:
  • Sew all the way around the hem back stitching at the end.
  • Trim all loose threads.

STEP 5: Draw String

Inserting the draw string:
  • On the inside of the hem line pull apart the hem so you can cut a small slit to insert the string through.   Don't cut all the way through the cuff or it will not look nice.
  • Pin one end of your string or elastic.
  • Thread it through the slit.
  • Even out the gathers.
  • Remove the pin.
  • Tie a knot in the end of the ties.
  • If using elastic estimate how loose you want it around your arm, tie a knot in the elastic, trim off excess.
Please note: You can use these without the string if you like a loose fit.

STEP 6: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

I really like the idea of these finger-less gloves.  They keep your hands warm and are a good use for an old shirt.  These were made for hubby but he can't see them yet!  I wished I had a women's heavy flannel shirt to show how to make them fashionable!  I will make another one after I go to Goodwill.  

Thank you for stopping in and stay warm!


Neat idea! Also a good way to make cute gift bags, if you close up the bottom.
Great instructable sunshiine! - You could also advertise this as "texting gloves", since you need uncovered fingers, especially with touch pad devises.
Thanks for the input! that is an awesome idea! I will change the side bar for that! Thanks so much!
You are very welcome. (We night owls gotta take care of each other) :D
You quack me up girl! But I had you going the other night. I need to go to bed for a couple of hours because I need to hit the goodwill for some sweaters!