Homebrew Glove Box


Intro: Homebrew Glove Box

So! You've finished your first Homebrewed beer, you've bottled it, you've fermented it, and you're ready to enjoy a crisp cool homebrew. You reach for your bottle opener; and thirty seconds later, it's all gone and you're a dripping mess!

If this has ever happened to you, this 'ible is for you! This glovebox catches all that lovely, overpressurised homebrew, and rather than spraying it all over you and your guests, it vents it's extra pressure inside a controlled environment, where you can drain it all out into your glass, and enjoy the fruits of your labours.

And it's a reminder to check your fermentation's progress a bit closer for your next batch, so this doesn't keep happening...

STEP 1: Tools & Equipment


To make this glove-box, I took a 5-gallon plastic storage box (with lid) and a pack of rubber gloves from the local discount retailer, and a bit of duct tape. If you're going to be fancy, you can seal it with some bath caulk from the home center.

Using my power drill, I drilled a pilot hole into the lid, then used a pair of tin snips to cut out the glove-holes. I'm glad I didn't caulk, because this ible needs some refinement.

STEP 2: Cut Out the Glove Holes

I had to approximate where my gloves needed to go when I had a bottle inside the box, so there was a bit of guesswork here.

Then I figured out how big of a hole I could comfortably fit my hand through, which was still smaller than the diameter of the opening of the gloves. Using a marker, I drew the outlines of the holes onto the lid and started cutting.

STEP 3: Attach Gloves

Then I put the gloves through the holes, used some duct-tape to smooth over the edges. This is where you can also lay down a bead of bathtub caulk on the inside of the contraption.. but do a better job of fitting the gloves first.

STEP 4: Give It Your Best Shot

I retrieved a beer from the fridge, gingerly set it into the box and...

STEP 5: ... Enjoy!

Well, the exuberance of this brew was all I had expected it to be, from it's cousins in the case. There is probably all of five ounces of beer left in the bottom of this bottle, and most of that is sediment (hooray, homebrew).

But rather than all fifteen ounces of tasty, tasty beer being spread all across the backyard, or plastered upon the ceiling in the kitchen, it's all caught inside the box.

Set the box upright, so the gloves dangle down into the box, and removing one hand, remove the lid and the other hand (still holding the bottle) and prepare to decant.

STEP 6: Issues

Remember when I said this 'ible needed work? Here's the problems I discovered...

After a couple of weeks in the heat, the cheapish gloves I'd bought had started to deteriorate. If I'd put this all together the day I bought it, and got Extra Fancy and caulked everything, it would have been a rip-roaring disaster.

Not to mention proper chemistry gloveboxes (after which this is patterned) use much more specialised gives with larger openings them common household gloves. I had a devil of a time getting the gloves on in the first place, and even ,ore trouble getting them off again. This might not be the best project to skimp on; the next iteration will use more robust and larger gloves.


petey_c is spot on with his questions !!! We've been brewing for over 10 years and never experienced this. We've never even have sediment in our bottles even once. Between in-bottle carbonation gone wild, and needing to protect your family and friends from spewing beer, I think someone needs to turn in his man-card until he figures this out. LOL Thanks for the chuckle, cutest post on Instructables in a long time. Sorry if my assumption that this a comedy posting was not accurate.

Thanks! It's a tongue-in-cheek post, as this isn't my first time at the homebrew rodeo, but it was my first time going 'off label', and experimenting with no added sugars. Apparently, I need to stick to the book and experiment in smaller increments, and cut back on the "doing it by the seat of my pants."

Dear Technoclave, I'm glad you understood I was just giving you a hard time. My wife and I have brewed up some "mistakes" ourselves over the years. With the cost of the ingredients, we stick strictly with the recipe, even then we'll serve up a stinker every now and then. I think the freshness of the yeast and hops has a lot to do with it. We're to the point where we have found our favorites and that's all we brew now. Nothing wrong with experimenting, I guess we're just old and boring. LOL

Ok, I was wondering why your brews are overflowing like that. How big of a batch did you make? How much priming sugar did you use? How do these beers taste? Any off flavors? What type of beer did you brew? I've been brewing about six years now.

This was an attempted Hefe, without doing any added sugars; I bottled it before my primary fermentation was completed, so I was kind of asking for it ;)

I've been brewing for about 3 years now, and it's only when I've bottled before the wort is done in Primary that they come out this effervescent. When I stick to the 'rules' and wait for Primary Fermentation to complete, they come out much less ... energetic.