Homemade Lotion


Intro: Homemade Lotion

what you need your favorite kinds of lotion something to hold the lotion and something to stir the lotion with.

STEP 1: Add Lotion

Squirt your lotion into you bucket add as many lotion smells as you like.

STEP 2: Mix

Grab what ever you chose to mix the lotion with I chose a wand mix the lotion together and smell it to make sure it smells good.

STEP 3: Put on

Rub a little lotion on your hand and smell to make sure it smells good. If not add a lotion smell that you like you can make as much lotion as you like if you have a empty bottle you can put your lotion in that and enjoy.


It doesn't really seem like homemade lotion when you're just mashing loads of different store bought lotions together...?

It does indeed seem like the way to make lotion according to instructables is 1) obtain lotion 2) put it in something and/or add something to it 3) claim you've made lotion