How I Made a Watch Escapement SUN DIAL - I Made It at Techshop Detroit!


Intro: How I Made a Watch Escapement SUN DIAL - I Made It at Techshop Detroit!

This instructable covers how I made a sweet laser-etched sundial. 

STEP 1: Gather Your Materials

You will need:

A piece of wood
a ruler
a pencil
a drill press
a laser cutter/etcher
a chop saw


I found an image of a watch escapement online.  I quick-traced it in Corel draw and cut the vector on the mini-helix laser cutter.  I put it in a 9"x9" box.

STEP 3: Cut It Out!

Cut along the outline using the chop saw.

STEP 4: Drill It!

Use the drill press to put a 1/4" hole directly in the center of the piece.  Use the belt sander to make a pointed cylindrical stylus.  Insert the stylus into the hole in the center of the board.

STEP 5: Sand the Corners

Round off the corners using the belt sander and PRESTO! you've got a watch escapement sun dial.  Enjoy the ironic simplicity! :)


Nice looks on the watch escapement part. I admire the graphic effect of the laser charred wood in contrast to the white wood. Only one little thing on the sun dial part: Remember how many revolutions mother earth performs per day? Consider it a nature's major design flaw, but nature doesn't follow your thoughts here. Hint: 24 would be a good choice to start with...

Enjoy the ironic complexity :)

Muy bonito, me gustaria hacer uno similar, puedes publicar los planos