How to Make a Stopper


Intro: How to Make a Stopper

Now this will show you how to make a stopper it flows out water by pressing a button no red stone needed you will need 1 ice block,one stone button,one stone block

STEP 1: The Base

First place down a stone block BTW you can have it any where in each biome

STEP 2: The Button

Place a stone button on the front part of the stone block

STEP 3: The Ice Placement

Put a block of ice on top of where you put the stone block

STEP 4: Locked and Loaded (not Done)

Wait for the ice to melt then when it does push the button (if wanted)

STEP 5: Your Set There All You Need Do Is Push the Button

Just push the button


hi I'm making an instructable n at the last step it tells u to type in two keywords can u pls tell me what to do?

Pls reply soon

body { background-color: rgb(194,194,194); } You could fill whole canals with that!
I have a Idea for a indestructible!

Does the water flow stop when you press the button again?

Hey dude can u give me a idea list them in the comment section