How to Eat a Cupcake


Intro: How to Eat a Cupcake

The ultimate guide on the best way to eat a cupcake. YAYAYAYAY CUPCAKES!!

STEP 1: The Cupcake

M.C. Langer brought us cupcakes, that was very nice of him. They are delicious.

STEP 2: The Method

Remove the paper from the cupcake, then gently twist off the bottom of the cupcake off. You could use a knife, but..... Why miss the opportunity to lick cake off your fingers.

STEP 3: Smoosh It.

Take the bottom of the cupcake you removed, and smoosh it on top of the frosting. You are essentially turning a cupcake into a sandwich cake. Mmmm, I think I just got another idea for another Instructable :)

STEP 4: Eat It.

How much description do you need on how to do this part? I'm really good at looking cool and eating cake at the same time.


Wha..... This blew my mind!?!

You do look cool eating a cupcake :)
ha! that's exactly how I ate my cupcake too!
I have been trying to teach this to my daughter. It is far superior to all other cupcaking eating methods.
Oh my, that's what my mom taught me and that's how I've taught my kids! Way less mess! Love that you made this into an instructable! :)
Don't be pinchin my style, yo!
Let's face it, it was more a reason to wear those sunglasses..... 8-)
This is the best way of eating a cupcake!!! I love it!!!

I wish you had this up before I ate my cupcake! It looked like I tried to push it through my face :D