How to Cut a Kiwi Fruit


Intro: How to Cut a Kiwi Fruit

I've figured out the way to cut kiwi and am sharing it with the world.

STEP 1: Cut the Top Off

Cut the top off and then cut a slice off

STEP 2: Cut the Skin Off

lay the slice flat down. Put the tip on the knife just inside the skin. Rotate the slice, keeping the knife stationary.

Kiwi's are from New Zealand.

STEP 3: Eat

Enjoy your kiwi.


Sorry, a cleaner and safer way is to cut the ends off then slide a spoon in just under the skin, rotate the edge of the spoon until the fruit slides out nice and smooth.
I've tried it that way and my studies have found that this yields 10% less fruit. Also. If you want slices, the method you describe will require using a knife and touching the extracted fruit which can get messy. Please use the preferred method.
golden kiwi's are the best. My grocery store only has em for 2 weeks a year. good instructable.
This doesn't say much. I eat the skin, it has flavour...
I have no problems with the skins just my friend said it looked like a hairy nut so i lost interest
You guy eat the skin?! What are you, nuts? Anyway......Kiwi is also a flight-less bird native to our fair land, evey time an american refers to kiwi fruit as "kiwi" I picture them hunting down our defence-less national icon. Yes defence-less like our country :-P
I'm glad to see you called it "How to cut a Kiwi Fruit", as opposed to cutting a kiwi, which would be funny to see, as a kiwi is a person from New Zealand.
Good to hear I'm not the only person who eats the skin.
Kiwi skin is one of the worst possible aspects of the fruit, all those little hairs, it's like biting a tennis ball. Good instructable, I may actually start buying kiwi's again after this one.
I just eat 'em like an apple, skin and all.
Hope it works darn kiwis getin juice al over the place