How to Make a Bowl of Cereal


Intro: How to Make a Bowl of Cereal

If you are a complete fool, you should watch, or at least turn your eyes toward your moniter, and read HOW TO MAKE CEREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STEP 1: Grocery Store

Head to the nearest Wallmart or Hanniford and pick up some milk, and any cereal of your choice. And if you really need to, you can get some spoons too.

STEP 2: The Creation of the Cereal

Start by taking out your favorite bowl, and pour in whatever cereal you picked. Don't pour to much in the bowl or it will overflow when you pour in the milk, which is the next step. POUR IN SOME MILK, BUT NOT TO MUCH! Then simply put the spoon in the bowl, pick up some cereal and milk, and EAT,EAT,EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then repeat if hungry!


Thanks, since I didn't know how to serve myself a bowl of cereal.
*says sarcastically* jk =]
lol give the kid a break it was his first instructable.
I'm just messing with him/her.................. My first ible is nothing to be excited about either =]
It's a him. It's FFVIIBOY's brother.
My momma said that monster is bad for you and that it ruins your muscle....=D
 don't listen to her.
But my momma said not to listen to strangers................. =D
 think of her as a stranger lol
yeah Monster is great for you, and is robbing banks will make you more succesful
OK. I got to the grocery store, and I got some cereal, but then when I got it home I decided to just open the box and start eating it, without milk,  without bowl, without, spoon, ya know just eating the cereal  with my hands. Mmmr...mfff...mff... um, it's pretty good too.  Um... the uh... question I was going to ask is, ah, erm...

Is this wrong?  I mean am I doing it wrong?
Yes, tell your mom to take a gallon of milk, dump it in the cereal box, (shake the cereal box) then take a spoon and eat it. TASTE GOOD! By the way, if you have no skill in handling kitchen utensils, call a Vantruilaquist...........
Sorry, Sir.  I'll try harder to get it right next time.