Important Tip on Choosing Full Time Glasses.


Intro: Important Tip on Choosing Full Time Glasses.

All my life I've had bad eyesight. I'm near sighted and few people are lucky enough to be born with good eyes.

I just got a new pair of glasses and shades (prescription) and while the shades are easy to view even with the new lens strength, the glasses however are very discomforting/naseating to use. Both have identical lens presciptions mind you (according to the optometrist).

I discovered the issue with the new frame after reading a poster in my office, 10 feet away from my desk.

STEP 1: Curvature!

On my swivel chair I realized the "sweet spot" with my new reading frames is actually DIRECTLY ahead of my eyes. Just small movement up, down or to the side will cause text (on the poster) to become blurry.

My old lens didnt have that problem. Why? It had more curvature. In fact all my previous lenses had curve and the older ones were bigger (oh I miss those).

This Flex On frame has given me tunnel vision now. I have to turn my head to get the best focus.

The lesson: Bigger more curved frames and lens are the best choice for glasses.


It also depends on what material the lenses are made from. Different materials have a different refractive index meaning materials bend light differently. I believe glass is actually the best and will bend light equally across the lens. Plastic and polycarbonate have a greater tendency to distort. But polycarbonate is very light so the lenses "fit" better and are easier on the nose and ears. Glass is also more resistant to micro scratches and to yellowing with age. But plastic is resistant to breaking. And then you get into bi focals and progressive lenses which have to sit at the correct place in front of the eye and have to be parallel so each eye hits the line at the same time. It's all a big pain.

One amazing thing though, being very nearsighted, is I can see very close up much better than most people. I can take my glasses off and see up close fine detail that most others have to use a magnifying glass to see.

oh yes its a pain but sadly we weren't born with perfect eyesight however I'm blessed to have even some!

you should be able to bend the frames slightly or take them to a glasses store and have them adjusted likely for free even if you didn't buy them there

but try the new ones for 4-5 days before making any changes
when I got new glasses and changed my prescription last I had around a week of tunnel vision as my eyes adjusted to the prescription it was a really strange sensation and made me dizzy and gave me headaches

my prescription changed from -1.5 in both eyes to -2.0 in my left and -1.75 in my right (also nearsighted)

i'm giving my eyes a couple days to adjust also. If that doesnt work then i'm going back for sure. Tried bending the frames like you said but they just bounce back to their original flex furiating.

depending on your optometrist you may want to check with an another one. or an optician.

specifically, have them check your pd and bifocal segment height.

likely it is the seg height that they got wrong though. it sounds like they put your intermediate zone where your distance height should be.

the net effect of that mistake would be blurry peripheral vision, and everything straight ahead being "too big"

in regards to that curve in your frame? the bridge(piece between nosepads) is not the same flex material as the temples(ear pieces) so a good optics shop should be able to adjust that for you. It will change how the lenses sit on your face though, and may make the tunnel vision WORSE until you get new lenses.

Thanks for the advice! I'm a little less angry now.

I just went through this very same thing with progressive lenses. However, one lens was slightly out of the specs for the prescription (too little power). I had the glasses adjusted; they started out in a straight line, and ended up curved like the ones above, and I did see a little better. Have to get a new lens, though.