KNEX Ball Machine Separator “horizontal Infinity Switch”


Intro: KNEX Ball Machine Separator “horizontal Infinity Switch”

This separator is very consistent and great for keeping height in your machine. I made this to have five paths but I’m sure you could modify it to have many more.

Separator video:

STEP 1: Main Track

STEP 2: Separators

STEP 3: Entrance Track + Structure

STEP 4: Paths 1-4

STEP 5: Path 5

STEP 6: Assembly

STEP 7: Comment If You Have Any Questions or Concerns 😁👍


That's really cool! I assume it really only works with K'nex balls?
Could you possibly make instructions for your Double Elevator Lift in Sunrise? I want to use it in my machine. BTW my machine will go around my whole room and I am having trouble with lifts. So could you possibly do that? Thks! -KnexPro7575.
…maybe that’s all I’ll say it’s a lot of work to do a big instructable like that.
Cool. Do you have a video or gif of it in action?
Yes I do! My channel name is “Knex maker 135” and the video name is horizontal infinity switch