K'nex Foosball Table


Intro: K'nex Foosball Table

Hey there!

Whether you call the real sport soccer or football, we all know what foosball is! Now you can do it with k'nex! This table has a manual counter, slick floor, players, and balls can be stored in the legs. When it doesn't have the legs (yes, they are removable!), it is so strong you can stand on it! (it can hold at least 100 pounds!)
After having it up for about two weeks, it still works wonderfully and it can actually be played for quite some time!

Wow, someone was crazy enough to make instructions! I seriously doubt anyone will ever use them, but they're here if you want. By the way, I was the crazy person (if you couldn't figure that out by now)

Thanks for watching/looking/building (if you're crazy too)!



That's awesome! I had an idea to build something like this for last year's K'nex contest, but decided not to. I was also starting to work on a table top version too, but decided to stop working on it. But this looks great! And it has instructions, which is also awesome! (Speaking of the K'nex contest, have you heard anyhting about it? IT doesn't look like it's happening this year... :'(

oh, sorry for the late reply... I thought I replied...! Thanks a lot! I don't think the k'nex contest is gonna happen this year, unfortunately. I have looked over the forum multiple times hoping to see it but... no. There are always other contests that you can enter in to, such as makerspace and automation (I don't know if the last one is too likely, but it's worth a shot. The makerspace you have to be on a team, but if your team posts 10 ibles you win a prize, so it's easy to get that badge on your ible). We are on a team, so if you are interested, I can get in touch with the leader of our team and see about adding you to the team! :)

Wait.. Teams? I had no idea you could do that. What does it mean to be on a team?

you are on a team of 5-20 people who separately make instructables. All the wins from the contest go to all the people, for instance the 3 moth pro membership for being featured is sent to everybody on the team, even if you haven't made a featured ible. This is the only contest that allows you to have teams. :)

Wait.. Teams? I had no idea you could do that. What does it mean to be on a team?

you are on a team of 5-20 people who separately make instructables. All the wins from the contest go to all the people, for instance the 3 moth pro membership for being featured is sent to everybody on the team, even if you haven't made a featured ible. This is the only contest that allows you to have teams. :)

Thanks! I would do that but it's not my first time creating an instructable. Do you know, is it necessary to be a first time author to enter?
Oh, sorry! I thought that was your first instructable. :) You can just ignore that then. I was just looking at your Instructables list wrong. :)
That's okay. Thanks for telling me that though! Uts nice to hear.
I know, I love it too. Thanks!
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