K'nex Gearbox


Intro: K'nex Gearbox

This instructable will show you how to build a K'nex 1 speed gearbox that will make a motor go faster/slower. This is my first instructable sorry if it is unclear and some of the pictures are blurry.
p.s it is based on a gearbox that I found on Youtube its here if you want to see it.
pp.s Give credit to spoonman192
ppp.s remember to use SANYO eneloop Batterys for the motor.

STEP 1: The Base

Firstly build the base.

STEP 2: The Gears

Now the tricky part, insert the gears as shown.

STEP 3: Strengthening the Gearbox

Now to strengthen the gearbox and the basics of the motor.


Hey gingernutsjonny, check my gearbox! It has just been posted. It's made for functional purposes and works awesome.
hey i found that using the fast gear for around every one turn its around 15!!!!!!on the other (slow option)so thats like if you ue a 1000rpm drill you be getting 15000!!!!!!!!rpm on the other end imaging that on a roller coaster chain lift!
amazing love it thanks for the instructions!
make a part list please
I built this once and it makes the last part spin really fast. then I hooked up my 1350 rpm drill to it and all the pieces twisted up and I had to throw it away but it was worth it
i tried building this once and it did not work
The problem with this is that (if it has 3 blue gears) it is pushing the limits of a K'nex engine (except the mains powered one) as more friction is generated and the torque required to get the whole gearbox moving increases dramatically. Because of this I think you'll find that with just 2 blue gears you get similar performance. It's also better for hand cranked stuff like ferris wheels or windmills. I made a gearbox too (check out my account, click my icon) but really big so you can see the inner workings!
zomg i cant believe this. ive not seen this thing for ages im spoonman192 i made this years ago before i made my youtube account omg cool for posting it i remember telliung a guy i would but i forgot so thanks!
i have removed my knex gearbox video now so u cant see it anymore this is spoonman192 btw
Haha, that sounds hilarious.
The 'if you want a good tranny' bit.
Viddeo please
make a huge one and see how fast it goes with a speedometer :D
tried to make my own, accidently made a 60 second timer :D
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