Knit Infinity Tube Scarf - Knit I-Cords


Intro: Knit Infinity Tube Scarf - Knit I-Cords

A few years ago, I made an Infinity Times 7 Scarf. Member mbenner commented and said that would be a good project for an i-cord knitter. I liked the idea and now I've finally gotten around to trying it out! I always thought that other scarf would look good in black, white, and grays, so that is what I did this time, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

All pictures of me wearing the scarf were taken by the amazingly talented photographer, audreyobscura.

Instructable 200

STEP 1: Supplies


STEP 2: Knit Cords

Okay, all you need to do is use a French Knitter to make a bunch of cords (the linked Instructable will show you how if you aren't sure how to use one). I started by trying to do a 5 stitch i-cord, but it ended up skinnier than using a French Knitter and I preferred it this way. But if you want, you can use double pointed needles and do an i-cord instead.

The length and how many cords you will need is up to you, but I did 12 cords at about 2ft each. I also ended up with 12 cords because I was originally going to do 8, but wanted it thicker, and wanted the amount of cords of each color the same, so I added 4 more.

To determine how long you want the cords, I would say to simply wrap it around your neck and see what feels right. Remember that the more cords you have the thicker your scarf is going to be. So if you want more cords, you'll probably want to make them a tad longer than you think. Also, for me, this scarf is tight to get on, but then fits fairly loosely. That's the style of this scarf. If you don't want it tight to get on, take that into consideration when planning the length of the cords (longer), but it's your call.

Once you have one cord the length you want, you can just use it to determine when you are done with the other cords. Make sure your cord isn't stretched when you measure it. If it is stretched, then after you take it off it will shrink a bit and be shorter than your other cords. This happened to me with one and it ended up a few inches shorter and I ended up knitting another to make up for it.

NOTE: I suggest you leave a yarn tail on your cord so you can use that to sew the tubes closed into rings.

STEP 3: Close Tube

Okay, once you have all the tubes you want, you need to start closing them up to make rings.

I didn't have the best idea of how to do this, but I think I'm happy with how it turned out. Here is how it goes:

  1. Start by picking one end to use as your sewing end and the other you'll need to trim the excess yarn (I usually picked whichever had a longer piece of yarn hanging off to be my sewing end).
  2. To trim the excess, just thread the yarn down the center of the tube and out the side. Then just cut off the excess sticking out the side.
  3. Time to sew!
  4. Take the yarn from the other end and thread your needle. You can sew it how you want, but how I did it was I sewed from the inside of the tube out on each side. Don't sew through the outside on both sides or you'll probably have very visible stitches. Your goal is to make the stitches as invisible as possible.

STEP 4: Adding More Cords

After you sew one cord closed into a ring, you need to weave the others on before you sew them.

I wove it through twice, as shown in the image.

Once you get two together, all you need to do is thread the next cord through, following one of the previous ones. Just keep going until all your cords are together and you're done!

STEP 5: Wear It and Enjoy!

Need another project?

Try this earmuff headband!


This is so useful for me. Oh my gosh, I really need an infinity tube scarf but I want to make it than buy it. Thank you for this tutorial. I'm making this soon.

Isn't this called a mobius loop not an infinity tube?

Somewhat similar to a mobius strip at first glance, but not quite the same. A

mobius scarf would knitted to be flat not a tube.

That works too! I meant infinity tube as in it is an infinity scarf that is made up of knit tubes. I wasn't sure what to name it :)

Trouble with Möbius scarfs are they are always inside out. Or outside in. And they take forever to turn over the right way. Plus, wait until you try putting your head through and then finding out it's still on the outside. Or try taking it off and finding you're still on the inside.

LOL! I got a real kick out of this comment.

Hm, I wonder if you could also finger-knit the tubes . . .

Somebody is very smart to select a best picture for the Newsletter... That image should have been the cover picture for this instructable...

I'm not the hugest fan of my face so I usually obscure it when I can, and I also didn't want to distract too much from the scarf itself. I actually went on Pinterest first before doing the photos to get an idea. People actually usually photograph their knit scarf on dress forms. Found that interesting.

Thank you! Fast and convenient.

I'm not sure how fast it will be if you have to knit to infinity! And where can you get enough wool from?

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